• School Field Day


    Water relay races

    Recently the girls had their year end School Field Day.  I was able to go and watch them compete in the various activities during their event.  Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with them during the school day.  Glad they were able to have fun, spend some time outside in the fresh air, get some good exercise, and enjoy the sunny day with their classmates.

    School - Field Day - P1440049c

    Brina running in a chicken relay


    Karlie doing the chicken relay for her class


    Wheelbarrow race


    Soccer race


    Brina in the water cup relay


    Karlie on the run!


    Giggling the whole time she is running


    On her way back!  Laughing because she just got her teacher wet with her bucket of water.

  • Family Fun: Rocket Sprinkler

    One of the benefits to living in South Carolina is you still have warm days even in the Fall and Winter. Yes, last week it got down to 14 degrees at night but the by the end of the week we were enjoying 60 to 70 degree weather.  To help everyone think “warm” thoughts this cool winter I decided to post a fun warm weather activity that you can look forward to doing with your kids before long.

    Rocket Sprinkler blasting off!  Jake had a sprinkler similar to this one growing up (his was a clown).  At the end of summer we bought this rocket.  Since we have a girl that LOVES rockets when this sprinkler went on clearance for a couple dollars I decided it was worth trying it out!

    The rocket sailing through the air!  The girls love spending time outside playing.  The sprinkler provides a great source of entertainment (when it is warm enough).  It might be a few more weeks….

    Brina and Karlie running around in the sprinkler and getting ready to shoot the rocket off again.

    The girls have a fun time playing in the yard splashing around in the water, climbing on the jungle gym, running around with Skipper (our black lab), drawing with chalk, riding bikes or many of the other fun outside activities.  I am thankful to have a yard were they can run and play.  I am looking forward to even more fun activities as we move closer to Spring and the weather continues to warm up, maybe even a couple “snow” days too. 

  • Family Activities: Bubble Trouble

    Brina blowing bubbles and Skipper chasing them across the front porch trying to pop them.

    One of the best parts about having a pet is the entertainment they provide the family.  Brina and Karlie LOVE blowing bubbles outside because Skipper has a blast chasing and popping the bubbles.  It is hilarious seeing Skipper twist, turn, and jump trying to pop the bubbles while hearing the girls giggle and blow more bubbles.  Thankful for two kiddos and one furry four legged puppy that bring laughter to the family.  She is a great dog and companion for the girls plus a good squirrel hunter and protector of the home front.

    Skipper popping bubbles from Brina and Karlie.

    Living in South Carolina has its perks too.  Even though our cooler winter months are in December, January, and February there are days when it is warm enough we can go outside and play.  There have already been several days in the 70s this winter.  I am  thankful for those days when we have beautiful weather so we can have fun outdoors.  The girls love playing outside with Skipper and I would rather have them playing outside getting some fresh air.

    Karlie in the midst of a sea of bubbles as she tries out her bubble blower.

    Even though we didn’t get a white Christmas, like last year, the girls are still hoping that we get a few days of snow this winter so they can play outside.  They have fun making snow angels, snowmen, sledding and all those fun activities too.  I am fine with having a mix of both warm and cool days because it makes the Winter months even more entertaining for the family!