• Travel & Vacation: Swan & Dolphin Resort Pools (Orlando, FL)


    Beautiful view and we almost had the pool to ourselves!

    During our time at the Swan & Dolphin Resorts the kids had to check out their pools.  Yes, they have several pools and a playground.  We had a blast swimming and splashing around in their pools on the hottest day.  The girls can spend hours swimming around.


    Brina floating around!


    Karlie having fun!


    Being goofy under the water!


    How long can you hold your breathe


    Brina coming down the slide next to one of the pools.


    That was fun, let’s do it again!


    Karlie ready to go


    Karlie moving right along!


    I barely got a shot of her coming around the corner!  They loved the slide!


    A pool with a waterfall.  How awesome is that!?


    Hanging out by the waterfall.


    This pool was much quieter, but one of their favorites because it was easier to dive for items since it was less crowded.  That’s our hotel in the back ground.


    Swimming around


    Brina loves her goggles and her eyes don’t get nearly are red from the chlorine.


    Taking a break to chat


    Stopping for a few minutes to relax.

  • Hiking Through the Woods


    The girls love going for hikes in the woods!

    Recently the girls and spent a couple hours outside having a picnic, hiking through the woods, climbing on trees, raking our campsite, playing with the animals, and more fun.  Thankful for some quiet and relaxing time with them out in nature.  They love spending time outside. Hiking through the woods is always an adventure with them!


    Skipper is always willing to join us!


    Karlie hanging out  by the big tree!


    Waiting patiently for us as the girls play around and climb a couple trees.


    Enjoying our time outside!


    Hiking deeper into the woods!


    Raking and trimming the thorny bushes at our old campsite.  The girls are ready to go camping again!


    Brina having a blast!

  • Travel & Vacation: Rock Climbing on Independence of the Seas

    Lee made it to the top and rang the bell!  WooHoo!  He made it look so easy and went up several times that morning!

    The final full day on the boat we spent at sea.  We had a lot of fun climbing the rock wall, going to a movie with Nicko, ice skating, swimming, going to the show, and so much more.  The only thing that we did that wasn’t exciting was pack our luggage because we were heading home the next day.  I didn’t get any ice skating pictures because we were not allowed to take the cameras on the ice.

    Nathan made it to the top! Yay Nathan!

    The girls were proud of Grandpa Russell for ringing the bell too.  Way to Go Grandpa!

    Karlie ready to go rock climbing wall

    Brina was content watching all the family members climb the rock wall.

    Brandon, Amber, and Nathan ready to go rock climbing

    Brandon heading up the rock wall

    Amber heading up the rock climbing wall

    Lee and Amber both climbing up the rock wall

    Grandpa Russell watching the rock climbers.  Brina giggling at Mommy, I had just spilled one of the drinks because the cap wasn’t screwed on all the way (Brina thought it was pretty funny)!

    Karlie listening to the instructions from the worker before doing the climbing wall

    Karlie heading up the rock climbing wall

    Brina all smiles peeking out at me from the basketball court.  Is it windy B?

    Karlie going up the rock climbing wall.  She didn’t make it to the very top but she did get a good ways up and tried it twice.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Fall Scavenger Hunt

    We recently held a camp out for our Community Group from church at our house.  It was great spending some extra time with friends. The kids all had a blast riding their scooters, bikes, drawing with chalk, blowing bubbles, crafts, going on a scavenger hunt and more.

    I am thankful for an opportunity to spend extra time with family and friends.  It was a wonderful experience for our girls.  I am grateful for a big yard where we can host events and pitch seven tents!

    The kids did really well hunting down the items on the list.  I gave each kid a grocery bag, the list printed on bright orange paper and set the time for 20 minutes.  They were off and running in no time.  I was quite amazed at the items they were able to come up with in that short amount of time.  Some kids worked independently while others stuck more in groups.

    If you are looking for a fun, entertaining, and educational activity to do this weekend here’s a great place to start.  There is a one page (with two columns) printable link at the bottom of the post so you can print it out as well.

    Fall Scavenger Hunt

    • Large Red Leaf
    • Smallest Yellow Leaf
    • Dry Brown Leaf
    • Evergreen Leaf
    • Jagged Edged Orange Leaf
    • Bird Feather
    • Rough Bark
    • Smooth Bark
    • 2 Different Types of Grass
    • Smooth Pebble
    • 4 Acorns
    • Flower
    • Most Beautiful Item
    • Stick Shaped like a Letter
    • Piece of Litter
    • Ladybug
    • Tiny bit of Moss
    • Pine Cone
    • Wood Shavings
    • Caterpillar
    • Coins
    • Wiggly Worm
    • 3 Leaf Clover
    • Seed
    • Dog Toy
    • Piece of a Thorny Bush
    • Animal Fur
    • Aluminum Can
    • Piece of Plastic
    • Bug (any type)
    • A Circular Item
    • A Square Item
    • A Triangular Item
    • An Oval Item
    • A Heart Shaped Item
    • An Octagon Item
    • A Soft Item
    • A Fluffy Item
    • A Fuzzy Item
    • A Furry Item
    • A Hard Item
    • Something Blue
    • Something Purple
    • Something Black
    • Something Gray
    • Something Pink
    • Something White
    • Kids Toy

    I have been asked by a number of people for a printable version of the Fall Scavenger Hunt so here it is for your family to enjoy as well:

    • Fall Scavenger Hunt – I printed ours out on bright orange paper and let the kids have a blast searching for the various items on the list! 🙂