• Travel & Vacation: Learning About Old Ironsides & the USS Constitution Museum


    Our family inside Old Ironsides next to the cannons!

    We split up the Old Ironsides tour and the USS Constitution Museum into two days which actually worked out really well for our family.  If you are planning on visiting Old Ironsides make sure you are carrying your driver’s license otherwise you will not be able to get into see it.  We left my driver’s license at the hotel since I wasn’t carrying my wallet and we would be riding on the subway and trolley.  Oh well!  It let us spread the adventure out a little bit more.


    Visiting the U.S.S. Constitution (aka Old Ironsides)

    The first day we explored the USS Constitution Museum.  Both girls really enjoyed the museum, history, and all the cool activities.  They did a great job making fun and interactive displays for the kids at this museum.  It was not huge, but we still spent at least a couple hours doing everything (some activities the girls did multiple times).  I highly recommend going to this Museum if you visiting Old Ironsides, it’s right across the street.  The kids will enjoy it (especially the second floor)!   The second day we explored Old Ironsides the ship!


    Brina put together her ship!


    They both managed to build their ships using the diagram.


    Huge model of Old Ironsides


    Our little sailor girl.


    This was a lot harder than it looked.  They had to stand on a tight rope, pull up the sails, and tie them up without falling off.  Took a little coordination, but they both had a blast pulling up the sails!


    Yikes!  The boats rocking the hammock a little too fast for Karlie!


    Brina lounging in the hammock!


    We were up early and ready to go the next day.  The girls enjoyed riding on the T in Boston.  Brina was very worried that I was too close to the subway or that I would get left behind if I didn’t hurry when it stopped.


    Went from riding the MBTA (Boston’s subway) to riding the Boston’s Old Town Trolley!  Jake and Brina sitting across the aisle from us!


    Karlie loving her time exploring Boston!


    Ready to go abroad the U.S.S. Constitution otherwise known as Old Ironsides!  I am glad we visited Old Ironsides because we just recently found out that they are pulling it out of the harbor for the next 3 years to do restoration work on it.


    We got there just as it opened so it was less crowded and cooler!  Old Ironsides is still an active ship.  Every year on July 4th they take the ship 1 mile out and bring it back into harbor.  We were there a couple days before July 4th so they were preparing for their big annual one mile trip out to sea!


    Checking out the cannons on Old Ironsides!


    Karlie climbing down the steep steps!


    We stopped to talk with one of the sailors for a few minutes.


    Demonstrating one of their fighting drills after showing us how to load the cannons!

    Exploring Boston, MA - Old Ironsides and Boston Museum of Science

    She’s thinking about something….I sense a question about to come!