• Summer Activities: Swimming Pool Set Up & Rules

    Karlie and Brina "helping" set up the swimming pool (wonder if they can even see out of their glasses)!

    We recently set up our swimming pool for the girls.  A couple years ago we bought the pool on clearance at the end of season and it has been a wonderful investment.  The girls, friends and family have enjoyed swimming in the pool and it has held up really well.  When Daddy was ready to set up the pool this year the girls were eager to help!  Once it was starting to fill they dove in glasses and all (see picture above)!

    We enjoy finding inexpensive yet fun summer activities that our girls can do together.  The pool has proven to be a wonderful source of entertainment for our girls who love to be outside on the hot summer days.  One of our concerns with having a pool is safety.  Although our pool is not huge it is very important we go over the rules every summer.  Here are our Pool Rules:

    • No Swimming without Permission of a Parent (or Responsible Adult)
    • No Swimming Unless an Adult is Physically Outside with the Children
    • When People Are Not in the Pool the Tarp Must Be On Top of the Pool at All Times
    • No Children are Allowed on the Colored Mats Around the Pool (unless they are getting into the pool with an adult present)
    • No Children are Allowed to Remove the Tarp from the Pool (they can however, assist an adult in removing the tarp)
    • No Children can Touch the Pool without an Adult Present (touching the pool can result in falling into the pool which can be dangerous)
    • All Children Must Go Potty Prior to Entering the Pool (prevents the accidents or short swim time due to  potty breaks)
    • Feet Must Be Rinsed in the Bucket Prior to Entering the Pool (helps keep down the debris)
    • No Jumping Into the Pool (when kids jump into the pool they can land on another kid or pin a kid down, this prevents these types of accidents)
    • No Leaning Over the Edge of the Pool (a kid could fall in or out of the pool)
    • No Excessive Splashing (the adult in attendance has to use judgment on this one, splashing is normal, however if you have younger and older children in the pool at the same time it may need to be monitored more closely to make sure all kids are safe and having a good time)
    • When a Pool Toy is Thrown or Falls Out of the Pool it will be Picked up by the Adult Present 1 Time (if it is thrown out a second time it can be claimed after the children get out of the pool, this helps cut down on the opps it went out again and the adult spending the next 2 hours chasing and cleaning off pool toys).
    • Once Out of the Pool A Child Cannot Re-enter for At Least An Hour (this prevents the children from getting in and out all the time which increases the risk of extra debris, emptying the pool, falling into the pool, and saves the energy for the adult since the majority of the children will require help getting in and out)

    I realize the rules can seem a little strict but over the last couple of summers we have realize the importance of having rules when it comes to the pool.  The pool is something we want to enjoy but it can quickly become dangerous if the kids don’t respect the rules.  Jake and I have had fun swimming with the girls in the pool too and have to respect the rules as well.

    Some of these rules are more “flexible” then others.  Rules such as swimming without permission or if an adult is not present will result in being band from the pool for several days.  It is not worth the risk and the kids need to know the seriousness of a pool.  We try to remind the girls of the pool rules often especially before having friends over.  Do you have any specific pool rules that I haven’t covered?