• No Bear… Just A Kind Dog…


    The letter I found on the front porch container!

    On Saturday we enjoyed a quiet family brunch on our back deck. It was nice to sit outside in the refresh air, eat delicious food, and spend some time catching up with my family.  As we began to clean up and bring the dishes into the house I rang the doorbell at the back door because I realized once I arrived at the door would not be able to open the door without dropping something.

    Instead of running to my rescue after ringing the doorbell both girls ran to the front door to see who had stopped by for a visit.  It was then I realized that they had no clue that the back doorbell even worked.  They were completely puzzled.  How could someone ring the doorbell and disappear in a matter of seconds?  I teased them that it was probably just someone coming by to drop off free books when they saw our dog, Skipper they left quickly because it was not polite to just walk into someone’s house uninvited.

    I finished cleaning up after breakfast and went about doing other activities not really thinking much about the doorbell and teasing the kids about the free books.  Later that day I went out the front door to get the mail and saw this note posted on the container on the front porch.  I should have known that our kids love books so much they would be concerned about not being able to get to the door in time to get the free books.

    Sometimes they do random things, like this note, that catch me off guard and make me laugh.  I didn’t realize how seriously they took me.  I did explain to the girls that it was me that rang the doorbell on the back deck.  They both had forgotten about that doorbell.  After talking with them it made more sense that I was ringing the doorbell than some stranger ringing the front doorbell and vanishing into thin air.  We all had a good laugh about doorbell prank and note on the front porch.
