• Happy New Year 2012 – Start where you are….

    Happy New Year! 

    Thank you for helping make my 2011 an AWESOME year! As I think about the 2012 year getting started I am reminded of the many blessings I have in my life.  At the same time I think about the many areas that need major improvement.  Starting 2012 means we get a fresh beginning to a new year with a lot of potential for fun, memories, and adventures.   Let’s make the most of this time and set new goals for ourselves starting today.

    I think the quote above is simple yet direct because as much as I like to think everything will magically change as I start 2012 the  reality is that I am very much the same as I was yesterday.  The good news is as I continue to implement changes, reach goals, get organized and put my priorities in line I will slowly start seeing those amazing results.  When my priorities are in order it gives me clearer picture and more opportunities to make a positive impact on the lives of my family, friends, and others.

    Wishing you a FANTASTIC 2012 full of wonderful blessings!