• Happy First Day of School Brina & Karlie

    Happy 1st Day of 6th Grade to my sweet girls!  New school year, new school, new teachers, new administration, new schedules, new start to the next chapter in my baby girls lives!  Jake and I both took the girls to school on their first day.  It felt weird driving by their old elementary school on the way to their new middle school.  They were welcomed at school by cheers.  They had a great first day!

    p1720300cIt was a lot of information and teachers to go over that first day, but they did amazing!  They are in different classes, however, some of their teachers are the same and others are different.  They are taking different electives too and have no classes the same.  The only time they see each other during the school day is walking into school, in the hallways, at lunch, and after school.  Karlie has orchestra and a STEAM elective class while Brina has physical education and Keyboarding for her two electives this 9 weeks or a semester depending on the class.  Thankful for a good first day!

    It was a whirlwind of a first day with us dropping them off at school, heading home to get Jake’s suitcase into his car so he can travel for work, and them I was off to work as well.  We didn’t snap a picture of them that first morning of school as we were moving quickly to get out the door on time.  Everyone was a little sluggish and the girls were wanting to get out the door instead of snapping pictures!   Kind of bummed I didn’t make them do it….oh well.