• Travel & Vacation: Casa Bonita in Denver, CO


     Casa Bonita in Denver, CO

    While the girls and I were visited family in Colorado we took the kids to Casa Bonita’s in Denver.  Renelle, Eric, the girls, and I met up with our other family members at Casa Bonita (my parents, Uncle Rick, Aunt Mary Ann, Laurel, and Erik).  I remember going to Casa Bonita’s when I was in Junior High, but our girls have never been to the restaurant.  It is about what I remembered!  It is a unique adventure if you have kids.  You don’t necessarily go for the fine dining, but the entertainment is fun for the kids.  The girls thought it was AWESOME!

    Casa Bonita is Mexican food with a lot of fun kid activities:

    • 30 Foot Waterfall
    • Cliff Divers go off the waterfall every few minutes
    • Stage Shows – rescuing the princess
    • Musicians
    • Arcade
    • Black Bart’s Hideout
    • Stalagmite Caves
    • Jail
    • Pinata
    • Pinata fun for the kids
    • And more activities!

    If you are looking for a fun place to check out in Denver with the kids this may be a good spot.  The food is okay, but you really go for the atmosphere as much as the meal.


    Water fountain outside of Casa Bonita!


    Pirates and princess show!


    Cliff diver landed in the pool below!


    Black Bart’s Hideout was NOT a favorite of the girls.  I have one that really doesn’t like being scared nor does she like skeletons so this was one area she was not a fan of in Casa Bonita.


    They won the pinata donkey body, ha!  They thought it was great!!!


    Uncle Eric and Aunt Renelle bought some arcade tokens.  The girls really don’t go to the arcade so this was an extra special treat.  They had a grand time on this game stomping on the “spiders”!


    Playing Skeet ball with Uncle Eric!


    Brina and Karlie playing skeet ball in the arcade!


    How about a game of Popcorn!!!


    Renelle is having a good laugh at the girls driving skills.  A great reminder why we don’t let 9 years drive cars, ha!  They had a blast though playing the games!


    Going through the caves, looking at stalagmites, and pools of water!


    View behind the waterfall!


    The girls are with Renelle watching behind the waterfall and watching the next diver.


    Karlie waving to the diver!


    Hanging out behind the waterfall!


    Uncle Eric and the girls by the waterfall!


    Uncle Eric and the three of us outside Casa Bonita’s restaurant!

  • Travel & Vacation: Red Rocks Overlook Trail & Amphitheater


    My cousin Renelle and her husband Eric took the girls and I to see the Red Rocks!

    While we were in Colorado a few weeks ago we got to go for a hike up the Red Rocks Overlook and check out their Amphitheater!    The red rocks were huge, beautiful boulders on the side of the mountain.  It would have been neat to see them right after a rain storm, they probably look gorgeous!  In the Red Rocks Amphitheater they hold many concerts.  The Red Rocks are on over 800 acres of land and at about 6,500 feet above sea level.

    The Red Rocks Amphitheater was formed naturally.  The way the rocks line up provides an amazing acoustic setting for concerts.  There is a museum at the Red Rocks Amphitheater were you can see all the musicians who have performed.  The had all kinds of artists and groups including Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Sting, Opera Singers, and many more!


    The red rock boulders were huge!


    Brina hiking up to the top of the Red Rocks Overlook Trail.


    Cool Red Rock boulders lined the hiking trail!


    Brina taking a moment to sit down while Karlie thinks about how cool it would be to have one of those big rocks at her house (no I wouldn’t let her take one home on the plane, ha)!


    Uncle Eric, Brina, and Karlie hiking up the trail!


    Looking at the Red Rocks Amphitheater and parking lot below!


    Just as long as they piece on top doesn’t roll my direction….


    A view of the Red Rocks Amphitheater from the top of the Red Rocks Overlook Trail!  They were getting ready for a concert that evening!


    Karlie and Brina enjoying their time exploring the Red Rocks!


    What goes up….must come down!  Walking back down the trail with Aunt Renelle!


    Brina pausing to let me take a quick picture!


    A view of the Red Rocks Amphitheater from the top railing.  It seats about 10,000 people.  I bet it looks amazing at night during a concert!


    The girls had to run down all the stairs of the amphitheater!  At least they were able to get in a little extra exercise!


    Inside the Red Rocks Museum they had a wall listing all the years, dates, and musicians that have performed in the amphitheater.  They also had several other cool rooms to go through and explore.  It was a pretty neat adventure for the kids.  My cousin Renelle had been at a concert there a few years ago and said it was awesome!!!

  • Song: “What Faith Can Do” by Kutless

    We were able to see Kutless in concert during our Valentine’s Date at Winter Jam in Greenville, SC.  It was neat to hear their songs that night.  Since then several of their songs have been ringing through my head, this is one of those songs.  We all fall and make mistakes, however, it’s how we pick ourselves up that matters.  Having faith in something so much greater than ourselves gives us the additional strength and hope we need to get through any situation.  We have the privilege of seeing miracles happen when we have faith that God can and will provide exactly what we need.

  • Song: “God With Us” by MercyMe

    I have heard this song multiple times but two weeks ago I a phrase in this song jumped out at me and has been stuck in my mind.  Great song!  The phrase that has stood out to me is “Such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary”  The time I take to have quiet time, taking a meal to a friend in need, eating healthier, and other activities are such a tiny offering when you look at what He did for me.  Yet there are days I complain about the busy schedule and curve balls life throws my direction when those are merely speed bumps to get my attention.  Hope you enjoy this song as much as I did.