• Mom’s BIG Mess!

    Yes, Mom makes messes too.  Last Wednesday while I was cooking dinner for our church Community Group I made the biggest mess my kitchen’s ever seen.   I couldn’t blame anyone else either (Jake and the girls were innocent), it was completely my fault.  I decided as I was cooking my lasagna sauce to make a quick trip out to the garden and pull a few more pieces of lettuce for dinner that night.  While outside I got distracted and did a few “extra” small chores before heading back into the house.

    Lasagna Sauce EVERYWHERE!

    As soon as I stepped into the house I could see the RED in the kitchen!  Instead of turning the burner down I turned it up and the sauce exploded everywhere!  I had sauce from the floor to ceiling, stove to refrigerator, and on the walls, cabinets, and counter tops.  Of course the counter was loaded with stuff, including Wednesday’s mail (some bills will be sent with extra “color” this month).  I spent the next hour scrubbing up the red splattered kitchen.  Before the mess I was ahead of schedule, we made it to the event just a few minutes late.  For a few days I was still finding random spots of red splatter marks.  Oh well……guess it was great lesson learned and my kitchen got some good scrubbing in the process.