• Don’t Leave Home Without: Your Keys

    The girls didn’t have school Monday, teachers work day, so I was looking forward to spending some quiet time with them.  We spent the morning reading books, eating breakfast, making beds, doing laundry and other household chores that are fun with two little helpers hovering around.  We were hurrying through our “to do” list so we could go on a  ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure together.

    As I ran the mail out and gathered up the last minute items, Brina and Karlie headed downstairs to get buckled into their car seats.  They love going on errands with me therefore they were buckled in rather quickly.  When I arrived they were patiently waiting for me start the van so we can be off on our adventure, as I buckled in it hit me………Where Are My Keys???

    The next 45 minutes was a whirlwind as we bounced around in search of the keys.  The first several minutes the girls just watched as I went from cleaning out the van, digging in the trash can, and combing through the house in search of my keys.  You have to understand that as an organized person with two kids I have a “place” for my keys.  Whenever I need to head out my keys are rarely a concern because I know when I get in the van exactly where they will be.  If I am parked in the garage my keys are always on top of the dash.  When I am at the store or parked outside the house my keys are always in my purse.  At this point in the search I had decided that for whatever reason the girls and I were not supposed to be going out today.  Of course, that didn’t go over too well when I told the kids so I promised to look another few minutes then we would have to go back inside and find something special to do at home.

    I think the girls were beginning to get concerned that we would not be going on our ZoobaLoobaDoo adventure so they suggested that I call Daddy to see if he rememberd seeing my keys.  The weekends are wonderful with the entire family together, however, my keys get shuffled around more because my dear husband prefers to use his keys when we go out and they fit better into his pocket (my key chain is rather large with all my keys, fancy sayings, digital picture frame and so forth attached).   Not really thinking he would remember since I am the “organized” person in our family I call…..after a short pause he suggested looking on the key ring in the garage (which I never store my keys on since they are either in the dash or my purse).  Well, today they were nicely hanging on the key ring in the garage.  Now to make matters more embarrassing the key ring is in plain sight from any where in the garage and I walked past it at least a dozen times in my flurry to locate my keys. The girls were thrilled that Daddy found the keys for Mommy and we were off on our errands!

    Although we live in a suburban area it is not easy to go to the store or run errands without keys.   Thankfully we were able to locate them so we could go complete the activities for the day even if we were running an hour behind schedule.  It is one of those moments when you realize how dependent you are on having the keys to get you where you need to go when leaving the house.

    Being organized is awesome!  I am thankful for a husband who puts up with my craziness and shares in the laughter when those moments happen.  He is the calm in this wild household of women and I love him dearly.  Although he unintentionally caused the hiccup in my organized household I know he was only trying to help.  Keys really are an important item if you plan to drive somewhere…….so don’t leave home without them!!!

    I am a firm believer that you are only as organized as you need to be.  Don’t Leave Home Without……is a mini-series of items that you really shouldn’t leave home without in today’s society.  Most days I am organized which saves time and energy for the entire family, however, there are times that life gets crazy and items somehow manage to find another location in my home.  If something is not in it’s place (even though the spot it is in makes perfect sense) it can cause additional drama, scurried moments, and in the end laughter. Hope you enjoy the humor as I have (later in the day or in some cases later in the week).