• Fresh & Healthy: How We Split Our First Cherry Tomato 4 Ways

    Our first tomato this year was a sweet little cherry tomato!

    The garden has been a wonderful teaching opportunity for our kids in many ways from the science of preparing, planting, and maintaining it to sharing with others and many more great learning moments.  One of the most exciting parts about the garden is seeing the plants start producing vegetables and fruits.  The tomato plants took (months according to the girls) to turn from green to red.  We have made it a point to split the first type of vegetable or fruit that comes out of the garden four ways.  The first pick of lettuce, summer squash, zucchini, etc….were easy to split among the family.  The first tomato happened to be a little red cherry tomato.  The girls giggled thinking their was no way we could split it four ways.  We teased them about making 4 sandwiches out of the tomato and they thought that would be impossible.  My sweet husband came up with a great solution that was a huge hit.  The girls had a blasting watching us come up with a delicious treat to share with the whole family.  They were amused and excited to eat their first BLT sandwich of the summer!


    Making our first "tomato" sandwiches of the summer season!

    We took a tortilla, small scoop and cut out 8 little circles to make our sandwiches.

    Cutting up our first tomato to eat on our sandwiches!

    Daddy carefully cut the tomato into 4 slices.

    Our first BLT sandwich - the mini version!

    The first cherry tomato became a mini BLT’s for the family.  We had tortilla’s for the bread, fresh lettuce from the garden, the fresh cherry tomato and a small piece of bacon.  Who’s ready for a BLT?!

    My first BLT sandwich of the summer with fresh lettuce and our first tomato from the garden!

    The girls giggled while eating their bite sized BLT sandwiches.  They didn’t think Mommy and Daddy could make 4 sandwiches with our first tomato since it was a cherry tomato.  We did it and they tasted delicious!  These would make great appetizers and you can use fresh garden veggies to put them together.  Make up a few, your kids will LOVE them!