• My Little Chef: Making Blue Raspberry Cookies


    Mixing up the cookie dough!

    When I am in the kitchen and Brina is around she is always willing to pitch in and help.  She is becoming more efficient cook as she gets older.  Recently, she decided to whip up some blue raspberry sugar cookies as  a “Welcome Home” goodie for Jake who was arriving home that day from a work trip.

    When he is away on a work trip we always try to make or pick up something special for him to have when he comes home.  It is important to us to make sure he knows how excited we are to have him back home again.  It is always so much better when the whole family is home together!

    I am so thankful for kids that enjoy helping out in the kitchen.  The girls have fun helping out in the kitchen and learning some great lessons along the way too.  Grateful for my girls!


    A batch of blue raspberry cookies ready to go into the oven!


    Cookie rolled is blue sprinkles!


    She made the perfect cookies!

    Making Cookies Dove Candy Note

    Ready to eat and delicious!  Thanks B!