• No Bear… Just A Kind Dog…


    The letter I found on the front porch container!

    On Saturday we enjoyed a quiet family brunch on our back deck. It was nice to sit outside in the refresh air, eat delicious food, and spend some time catching up with my family.  As we began to clean up and bring the dishes into the house I rang the doorbell at the back door because I realized once I arrived at the door would not be able to open the door without dropping something.

    Instead of running to my rescue after ringing the doorbell both girls ran to the front door to see who had stopped by for a visit.  It was then I realized that they had no clue that the back doorbell even worked.  They were completely puzzled.  How could someone ring the doorbell and disappear in a matter of seconds?  I teased them that it was probably just someone coming by to drop off free books when they saw our dog, Skipper they left quickly because it was not polite to just walk into someone’s house uninvited.

    I finished cleaning up after breakfast and went about doing other activities not really thinking much about the doorbell and teasing the kids about the free books.  Later that day I went out the front door to get the mail and saw this note posted on the container on the front porch.  I should have known that our kids love books so much they would be concerned about not being able to get to the door in time to get the free books.

    Sometimes they do random things, like this note, that catch me off guard and make me laugh.  I didn’t realize how seriously they took me.  I did explain to the girls that it was me that rang the doorbell on the back deck.  They both had forgotten about that doorbell.  After talking with them it made more sense that I was ringing the doorbell than some stranger ringing the front doorbell and vanishing into thin air.  We all had a good laugh about doorbell prank and note on the front porch.



  • A “Dove” For My Love!


    I am blessed with an amazing husband!  When he has to travel I miss him greatly!  I am very grateful for the him and everything he does for our family.  When he travels I try to get him something special for when he comes home.  The surprise could be a treat something sweet or salty or practical or fun gift.  I usually add some cheesy note or saying, but that’s not what it’s really about, it is about making my man feel important when he comes home.

    Most of the time I leave his welcome home surprise in a place where I know he will find not long after being home (his desk, near the shelf where he puts his wallet, in the front of the fridge, etc…).  He’s seems to really appreciate the surprise gifts and gestures.  I am always thrilled have him back home and to do something special for him.  Lately, he has been traveling more for work so I have had to get creative and keep an eye out for new and different items to make or get for him.There are so many reasons why I love him….let me share a few:

    • He loves me despite my faults.
    • He takes care of me even during the rough times of sickness or injury.
    • He works hard to provide for our family.
    • He is a godly man.
    • He knows how to make me laugh.
    • He plays a key role in so many of my favorite memories. 
    • He is an amazing Dad to our kids.
    • He takes time to listen to me even on busy days or when he is away.
    • He encourages me to always do my best.
    • He helps me even when I get myself “in a pickle” which happens more than I care to admit (ahem…).
    • He is thoughtful and often knows exactly what I need, sometimes even before I do.
    • He knows how to make me smile.
    • He spontaneously surprises me with the most thoughtful and perfect practical gifts.
    • He is my best friend.
    • He cooks the most delicious food for our family.
    • He will help clean, even if it isn’t always his favorite chore around the house.
    • He knows how to bring out the best in me.
    • He is my Handsome Man.
    • He pitches in when he sees I need the extra help with the kids homework, finishing a meal, and more.
    • He is very creative. 
    • He allows me to speak freely and values my opinion, even if we don’t always agree on everything.
    • He looks for opportunities to teach his family new things (both the kids and myself included).
    • He puts up with my craziness, he deserves an award for this one.
    • He is willing to play board games with his family.
    • He is my biggest cheerleader and believes I can do anything I want to do.
    • He has an amazing amount of patience with me and the kids.
    • He knows I have a black thumb with house plants and still loves me.
    • He supports my endeavors and at times my random crazy ideas.
    • He comes up and will implement ways to make my life easier. 
    • He has so many talents and is an amazing person.
    • He knows how to calm me down when I get myself worked up.
    • He allows me to be myself around him.
    • He tells me I am “beautiful” even though I usually see all the areas I need to improve.
    • He can create the most awesome creations out of wood – bookshelves, desks, and so much more.
    • He is always learning. 
    • He spoils me…..too much at times.
    • He is generous.
    • He is giving of his time and energy.
    • I love him more and more every day!


    While neither of us happen to be perfect (far from it actually), however, we are perfect for each other.  Unfortunately, we don’t always agree, but we work together through those tough moments.  We’ve had our ups and we’ve had our downs.  Thankfully, we have grown closer together and learned to love each other even more through the years.