• I Love You Too!


    “I Love U” spelled out with their Magformers Set

    It is always a pleasant surprise when you walk into a room and find a nice saying or artwork waiting for you.   The other day I walked into the dining room and this is what was on the kitchen table.  An “I Love You” message and smiley face.

    Thankful for my kids.  Their creativeness and their little ways of reminding us that they truly do appreciate and love us as well.  They requested that I take a picture of their artwork so they could send a message to some people and let them know that they were thinking of them on this particular day.

    It’s the little things like this that make me smile.  Parenting can be tough some days, but it is also very rewarding too.  Grateful for these special moments when they demonstrate love, happiness, and the desire to brighten the days of others.

    P1360483cA Magformer smile waiting to be discovered on the table!

  • Love It – Magformers Set


    Brina loves creating things with the Magformers!

    The girls got a Magformers Set for their birthday.  Since then they have played with the set for hours.  A bunch of time was spent playing with them during their recent snow days when they did not have school.  I love it when they get a toy that promotes creativity.

    Magformers are bright colorful magnetic toys that you can use to build all kinds of items with.  The set we got contained squares, triangles, and pentagons.  They are easy to use and the magnets are enclosed so they cannot be swallowed by younger kids.  The pieces always attract, never repel, making it easy for anyone to stick two pieces together to build.  The magformers stimulate creativity, engineering, spatial awareness, coordination, and mathematics.  You can build pretty much anything you can image from balls, houses, pyramids, turtles, towers, and so much more.  This toy has sparked our kids imaginations over the past month and they are still pulling it out to play with it regularly.


    Big ball out of Magformers


    Of course knocking it down is always a fun task to do too


    Brina built all the items in the book first than started creating her own inventions.  Love watching her read the directions and put things together.  She was pretty quick at it!


    Magformers creation


    She has spent hours putting together different combinations and items with this set.


    Proud of her creation


    Making some little items


    So much fun




    Karlie loves playing with them too.  She split her time between the magformers and reading some chapter books.


    Myrtle the Turtle


    Time to take this one apart and start on a new project


    Having a blast


    Neat creation


    Fun toy

    There are many different Magformers Sets that you can get.  Amazon is a great place to look for them and you can read all the great reviews as well.

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!