• Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    Love notes for the kids at school

    One of the best parts about sending the kids to school with a lunch is you can include some special goodies or notes for them as a surprise.  After using the sandwich containers a few times I discovered something really neat…..they are perfect for “love” notes.  If you have smooth sandwich containers that you send to school with your kids or to work with your husband grab a dry erase marker and write a quick note for them.  I will often write a little note for them and erase it before putting it in the dishwasher at the end of the day.  I keep the marker on the refrigerator so I can get it easily while I am packing lunches for the family.  This takes only a couple minutes and means a lot to your family.  A short and sweet note can be the extra boost of love and encouragement they need throughout the day.

  • Be My Valentine: “Sweet” Treats

    “Thanks for always rooting for me!” (IBC Root Beer) and “Thanks for always being our ‘sweet’ girl!”

    Every once in awhile when the girls and Jake are gone or busy with something else I will pull together a surprise.  I am thankful for my family and blessed with a wonderful husband and two sweet girls.  Life is not always “perfect” but it is fun.

    Spending a few minutes to show appreciation to my husband or my kids is worth every minute I invest.  The best part is I do it at random times when they are not around so it truly is a surprise.  This gift was originally given to Jake and the girls on Thanksgiving Day but it can be applied very easily to Valentine’s Day celebrations as well.

    If you are looking for something easy yet sweet to do this Valentine’s Day this was one that my family enjoyed.  After putting together your gift I challenge you to go one step further make a commitment to continue being a blessing to the ones you love by surprising them with a sweet note, treat, or something special throughout the rest of the year.  Try to make it part of your routine whether it is once a week, every other week or once a month.  Showing your care makes an impact on the lives of others.

    I came up with the sayings for the girls heart “love” notes – Thanks for always being our “sweet” Brina (or Karlie)! Love, Mom and Dad  The cute “pop” love note is from Darling Doodles.    She has a template you can print out if your interested in doing something similar for your spouse!