• Loom Bracelet Craze


    The girls have a loom bracelet set  and over the past few weeks there has been loom bracelets popping up everywhere in our house, car, backpacks and random places.  In one day they went from making no loom bracelets to do several in a day.  Not to mention, the little individual bands have been sprinkled like confetti around the house.

    The girls are learning that these are not only fun making they are a blast trading with friends, giving them away to friends, or teaching their friends how to make them.  They go to school with a certain amount of bracelets and come home with a different amount and a variety of other colors.   They’ll even make custom-colored and various size bracelets for friends too.  Yes, they even made one for Mom and Dad (we were recipients of  the first couple they made)!

    It’s neat to see them making these and sharing them with others.  The nice part about them being easy to weave together is they can make several in one day.  Since starting making the loom bands they have discovered a number of different patterns, shapes, sizes, and neat designs.  So even though they learned how to make them one way they have adapted to learn a variety of ways to make the bracelets.


    A pile of bracelets put on their bar stool the night before so they could put them on before school at breakfast time.


    A common sight laying around our house the past few months!


    Brina ready for school with a stack of bracelets on her arm.


    The bracelets Brina made


    Karlie ready to go to school with an armful of bracelets

    Loom Bracelets

    Karlie’s bracelets she made in one night.