• Wild Animal Adventures (Stanton, MO)

    The 2 tigers were together in the pen, we got to see them interact, swim, play, and relax.

    After the girls got out of Cub Creek camp in Missouri we went visited Wild Animal Adventures.  It is outside of St. Louis in Stanton, Missouri.  It was a smaller establishment, but the animals were well cared for.  We went at busy time and their parking lot was full (they had a trailer blocking part of the parking lot which made it a little inconvenient) but after a few minutes we got a spot.

    They have an indoor section with aquariums, touch tanks, birds, reptiles and more.  Outside the have both farm and wild animals in different sections.  The workers seemed to enjoy being there, interacted well with the animals and were happy to share stories about the animals.

    Our girls did two extra interactions, playing with the foxes and the dingos. The dingos also known as “singing dogs” were tired so they were laying down and let the kids pet them. I was hoping to hear them “sing” but they were not into that while we were there. The workers allowed 4 people in at one time with the dingos.  For the foxes they gave the kids “treats” aka cat food to feed to the foxes.  Our two girls were the only ones other than the worker in the pen with the foxes.  The foxes loved munching on the treats and were more energetic.  The website lists the extra activities with a price range, however, at least one of the activities was more than their list price. They need to update their website if they are not still charging those rates.

    Overall it was a fun stop for our family.  The animals were fairly active and the employees were nice. If you are driving through the area it is a nice place to stop especially if you  have kids that enjoy animals. We have included a sprinkling of photos from our trip to Wild Animal Adventures.

    The llama had some personality.

    Gorgeous colors

    The kids were not interested in the pretty flowers, but I enjoyed them!

    Their 3 legged white fox. He can still move quickly and nibbled up treats from the girls.

    This one liked to interact and have conversations with you!

    The llama was more interested in you if you had food!

    Glad this one was in a cage and behind a window.

    Beautiful white tiger!

    Wild Animal Adventures

  • Fun Around Town: Big Celebrity Cats at Hollywild Animal Park (Wellford, SC)


    “Mandela” the white lion!

    Our family had a great time at Hollywild Animal Park.  Upon entering the park I was given a packet with a very nice “Welcome” letter from Kim along with a map, her business card, a bracelet for each of us to wear, and other park information. The workers from the Safari Bus driver to the Creature Feature Show to the Gift Shop Clerk and the various ones we encountered throughout our journey through the park were always willing to answer any questions we had along the way (most of the questions were the kids asking about various animals).  It was a wonderful activity to do with the family.

    As I have mentioned in a couple other posts several of the animals that reside at Hollywild have been stars in Movies, Commercials, Print Ads, Sport Events, TV Shows, events, and much more.  The animals seemed friendly, content, and interactive with the people passing through the park.

    It was great that even the lions were up and active while we were at Hollywild!  Usually at the zoo and other places you don’t often see the lions moving or playing around too much in their pens.  The white lion paused while moving around so we were able to get some shots of him, but the brown lion didn’t ever stop moving for a good picture.

    We ended our trip through the park about the time they were getting ready to close.  The workers were starting to feed the animals their dinners so that was pretty cool to watch some of the animals munching down on one of their favorites treats.

    For more information about our adventure at Hollywild you can check out our other blog posts:


    He looks very serious!


    He hears the worker getting his dinner meal ready and started pacing.


    On the move!


    Relaxing on his rock


    Look at the length of those whiskers!


    Peaceful and relaxing


    Beautiful tiger


    Love how his tail is sitting on the rock below him.  He was curious about us watching him though!


    Those eyes are looking directly at us!


    Siberian Tigers – he looked so serious, but colorful up on the rock.  Not an animal I would want to meet in the wild though he looks amazing.  Featured in the following:

    • Movie – Man Hunter
    • Movie – Betsy’s Wedding
    • Movie – Reversal of Fortune
    • Movie – Price of Tides
    • Movie – The Real McCoy
    • TV Ad Campaign – Land Rover
    • Gallery Portraits – Valerie Shaff Photography
    • Countless live appearances at special events


    Cougars were out and walking around.  These cougars featured in following:

    • Commercials – Lincoln-Mercury (1983 to 1991)
    • Movie – Date With an Angel
    • TV Program – Rescue 911
    • Movie – Reversal of Fortune
    • Movie – Last of the Mohicans
    • Movie – Miracle on the Mountain
    • Commercial(s) – Coca-Cola


    Black Leopard was busy eating its dinner time treat.  Not sure what it is, but fresh meat of some kind.  Seeing it’s eyes watching us through the grass gives me goose bumps.  The leopards were featured in the following:

    • Calendar – Great Cats
    • Print Ad Campaign – Kemdura Paper
    • Audiovisual Production – Leslie Advertising
    • Score Boards – Carolina Panther
    • Caesar, a Black Panther, has been a star in the National Football League for the Carolina Panthers


    The white tiger just finished his dinner and is taking a walk around his pen.


    So pretty!

    Hollywild Animal Park Coupon Discount (Free Child’s Admission):

    • Print off the coupon for Free Child’s Admission with purchase of an Adult Admission and bring it to the park with youLimit one per family. $8 Value. This coupon is valid during our Park Season which is open Weekends in March, Daily April through Labor Day, and Weekends from Labor Day through the end of October. Please visit our website for seasonal hours prior to your visit. Coupon not valid during our Holiday Lights Safari Benefit.  Expires: 10/24/2015.

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Hollywild Animal Park for offering a special discount to our readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Hollywild Animal Park and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We did receive tickets so our family could visit and share our experience.

  • Travel & Vacation: Lions, Tigers, Seals, Reptiles, Bears, and more at the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA)


     Lioness pacing on her rock

    We had a blast seeing all the animals on our recent trip to the Atlanta Zoo.  We arrived just as the Zoo opened in the morning and stayed until closing.  The kids loved seeing all the animals, the activities, and special events.  It was a busy, packed, and fun day together.  We walked all over the area of the zoo several times over.  The morning was a little cooler, but it was very comfortable by mid-morning (not too cold or hot).  You can read more about our adventure on my Travel & Vacation: Visiting the Atlanta Zoo (Atlanta, GA) blog post.  


     The two lionesses were playing and pouncing on each other while we were there.  They were so fast we weren’t able to get a non-blurry picture of both of them together.  It was neat to watch them playing around instead of just sleeping on their rock.


     Better watch out….


     Tiger giving himself a bath.


     Out for a stroll


     The seal was catching the fish they were throwing at them.  You can see the fish right in front of him.


     Karlie and Brina learning about snakes.


     Karlie having fun


     Learning more about this little turtle


    Curled up and watching people as they go by his cage


     Brina fascinated by all the animals


    What’s in this one!?


     Karlie and Mommy having fun at the Atlanta Zoo


     Me and my girls!  They are growing up so fast.  Thankful for these little adventures together as a family!


    Brina was always good a spotting the animals really quickly, not sure how she does it so fast!


     The snake was following the heat from Karlie’s hand


     Jake and his girls at the Atlanta Zoo


     Jake is always so good about explaining and showing the girls different pieces of information about the animals.  The snake is acting like it might try to strike Jake’s hand through the glass in this picture, but it never did.


     The bear brought this branch with leaves on top of the platform so he could eat it by himself without the other one bothering him.


    Fun times!


    They loved learning about all the different wildlife.


    Love my family!  Grateful for the opportunity to hang out at the Atlanta Zoo for the day!


    Such a rough life…. They look so cute and cuddly.


    This is a “Tanuki” it is very timid and doesn’t come out very often per one of the zoo workers that we asked.  We walked by its cage multiple times and never saw it out until almost the end of the day.  It gets spooked easy so it is not visible very often.


    How does your Mom carry you!?  Silly girls – Brina and Karlie


    Karlie loves brushing the farm animals. She is currently on her way to brush another one.


    Brina talking with the zoo worker about goats and asking questions.  He was really nice and pointed out several different types of goats and characteristics of the ones near her.


    Brina and Karlie brushing one goat.  Lots of TLC for this Mamma goat.  They always love the interactive animal adventures.


    The giraffe is eying us while the ostrich was too busy eating to give us any attention

  • Travel & Vacation: Amazing Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina ready to head out on the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom

    The fast passes were gone for the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom before we decided which day we would be going to the park which is a sign that this is a popular activity.  We waited in line for about an hour to go on the safari, but it was very worth it.  This is the longest we had to wait for any activity while at Animal Kingdom.  During this safari we were able to see real animals in their natural habitats during the expedition through the Safari.

    We got to ride out to the safari where many animals were living in the wild.   We went through mud, standing water, on “shaky” bridges, and more while seeing animals at every turn.  Many of these animals I would not want to meet out in the jungle, however, the animals in this jungle looked well fed, peaceful, and relaxed.  It was a wonderful experience.  The kids LOVED this and rated the Safari as one of their favorite activities while at Animal Kingdom.  If you are ever at Animal Kingdom don’t miss this activity if you like seeing a lot of wild animals fairly close!


    Karlie on the lookout for animals!


    An okapi which is half zebra and half giraffe!


    Hippo sunning itself on the bank by the water.


    A group of hippo hanging out in the water.


    Beautiful scenery!


    That’s a lot of alligators in one spot!


    Thankfully that big guy is heading that  direction and not our way!


    Life is rough!


    Very tall termite mound!  Surprised at how many of these were around in a variety of different sizes and shapes.


    Giraffes nibbling on the tree!




    Friendly elephant!


    The elephants were covering themselves with mud to keep from getting sunburned.


    A cluster of elephants rooming around.


    The upside down tree (looks like the roots are growing out of the top).


    Pink flamingos hanging out around the water.


    Rhinos munching on hay!


    Had to stop our drive through the grasslands when a rhino decided to cross the road in front of us.


    Meandering along!


    A gathering of rhinos helping themselves to some delicious rhino snacks.


    Cheetah napping in the shade.


    Lion sleeping in the cool rocks.


    Zebras munching on the grass.


    Warthogs resting


    Ostrich eggs?


    Zebras were pretty!


    The animals were so peaceful!



  • Book: “Lioness Arising” by Lisa Bevere

    Lisa Bevere’s new book “Lioness Arising” encourages Christian women to wake up and make an impact on world around them.  The idea for the book was from a vision Lisa had while she was still pregnant with her fourth son.  Although some may perceive “Lioness Arising” to be a more feminist book you have to look at the book in it’s entirety; it is meant to be a motivational call to stir the hearts women.  A change in history usually starts when one person chooses to stand up while everyone else is still seated.

    “Lioness Arising” is a fresh reminder to women that we have been designed by a creator and called to live a life of purpose.  It is evident in the book that Lisa has a fascination with the lion analogy based off the stories she reveals and the powerful images of the lioness she paints with her words.  Comparing a lioness’ beauty and power to women of faith gave the book a unique twist over some of the other ones I have read in the past.  Unlike many of us, the lioness is comfortable (and content) in her own skin and her beauty is revealed in her strength.

    Sometimes we need a “wake up” call to motivate us into action.  God gives us the skills we need to serve him, however, so often we are more concerned about figuring out the step-by-step process that we take too long and we miss out on some great things he has planned for us.  Lisa gives several biblical examples of women who made history.  This books calls you to be fully awake and ready to write your piece of history.   As women we need to let go of the baggage and life’s daily obligations that are holding us back in order to be attentive to the needs around us.  Lisa encourages women to unite together, uplift each other, and make an difference.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”