• Heart Reflections: Giving from the Heart

    The gifts that Karlie and Brina wrapped up for their friends.

    The other day I had two pieces of left over wrapping paper from a baby shower gift that I gave to the girls to use.  They were busy for about thirty minutes in the dining room talking and wrapping their goodies.  Later I found out they had wrapped up a few small toys to give to a friend that they heard was moving because his parents were having financial problems.  Now the girls didn’t really understand much about what type of the financial problems but they did understand that their friend was having to sell some of his toys because of the move and family situation.  Without any prompting on mine or Jake’s part the girls carefully selected some special toys he would like (silly bands, match box cars, pencils, stickers, and a couple more items), wrapped them up, and brought the gifts in  for us to see.

    It was only when they brought us the completely wrapped gifts that we found out who they were planning on giving them to.  My heart overflowed with joy to know that the girls were willing to part with a few treasured toys to help a friend in need.  They were not just giving any toy, they were trying to find some of their favorite toys to give away.

    How often to I unconditionally give of my best to others?  Do I give from the heart or is it to receive notice or out of the feeling of obligation?  The most wonderful gift comes from the heart with no strings attached much like the greatest gift we have ever been given.  I am thankful for a Savior who gave his life for me and for girls who remind me of what it is like to give generously from the heart to those around us.

    Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God

    which He has given you. Deuteronomy 16:17