• You Know it is Going to Be An Interesting Day When …

    You look down and you are wearing not only two different shoes, but two entirely different colored shoes!  Not that long ago I woke up with my alarm (5:00 am), got dressed and headed downstairs to go yoga before waking up the rest of the family and heading off to work.  It was one of those mornings I had to drag myself out of bed.  I didn’t “want” to go do yoga, but knew that it would be good for me.

    As I was setting up my mat and yoga items I happened to look down at my feet and noticed that I was wearing 1 pink and 1 black flipflop.  Oops!  Granted I did get dressed in the dark as to not wake my sleeping husband, but it was a sure sign I was more tired than I realized when I didn’t even notice I was wearing two different shoes for several minutes.

    It was a rather busy day, but I survived.  Doing yoga that morning even with two different shoes was the right choice.  I don’t always make good choices, but if the worse thing that happens in my day is wearing two different colored shoes I am doing ok.  Who knows maybe I will start a new trend.  At least it is something funny to look at and laugh about.  And I made it out of the house with two coordinating shoes that day (I double checked before heading into work)!

  • Book: “Never Sniff A Gift Fish” by Patrick McManus

    I was thinking about the books I have read over the past few years and decided to chose one that is a little more “unique” from some of my other recommendations but nevertheless I have really enjoyed reading Patrick McManus books.  Never Sniff A Gift Fish by Patrick McManus is one that we have at our house.  The author has a way of making you laugh sometimes until your sides hurt.  He is funny and his short stories are great to read.  We have had his books in our magazine racks for years and I cannot count the number of times people have borrowed or taken the books for a short period of time to read them.  I am looking forward to reading them to the girls soon too.  A lot of his stories have to do with outdoor adventures, kid mischief, and fun.  Each chapter is another short story.  Some are more hilarious then others but there have been times I have had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.  Life is short so why not have fun.  If you haven’t read one of his books you really should, you’ll enjoy some extra chuckles reading the adventures in his books.   As the warmer season comes upon us it makes me think of camping and reading his books around a camp fire, great memories!   Patrick McManus actually has several books if you prefer one of the other ones instead: