• Travel & Vacation: Midwest Dust Whirlwind

    Travel & Vacation - Kansas - Colorado - Road Trip - P1360786c

     Midwest Dust Whirlwind

    On one our road trips while in Kansas the girls saw their first Midwest Dust Whirlwind.  Some people also called them Dust Devils.  In the past few years Kansas has been pretty dry so sometimes when a farmer is working his field or something else is stirring up a large amount of dust you’ll see a dust whirlwind pop up.

    When the girls first saw it they thought it was a tornado.  It does look like a tornado touching down, but usually happens on a dry sunny day.  We were driving along Highway 34 West near Platner, Colorado when we saw this dust whirlwind.   Hopefully, the Midwest will start getting some nice rain soon so these dust devils will not be as common.  The Midwest is a large producer of crops for our nation and around the world.  We have a lot of farmers in our family from the Midwest who could use more rain for their crops.

    A dust whirlwind (or commonly referred to as a dust devil) is caused when a vortex forms from the dust that is being kicked up into the air.  The dust will often form a swirling column that reaches up vertically through the air.  The dust devils could last for several hours and can either be small or large enough for people to see for many miles.  They are typically harmless other than you can get dirt in your eyes and hit by small particles of dirt if you walk or drive through one.


     Dust Devil off Highway 34 West!  Looks like a tornado, but it is made of dirt.


     The farmer working his field is kicking up enough dirt to create this Dust Whirlwind that can be seen for miles.


     It was amazing to watch the swirling column of dirt raising high up into the sky.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Easley: Sweet Treats at Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers


    A brain freeze and a sweet treat!

    We were out of town this summer when Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers actually opened for business in Easley!  While we were not one of their first customers we decided to try them out on one of our recent Family Nights Out!  The food was good and the frozen custard was delicious!  It would have probably been better to either get dinner or desert; by the time we got to desert all of us were getting full and we ended up taking home a good portion of our custard.  The good news is they gave you plenty to eat and the kids got to enjoy the ice cream the next day!

    If you are looking for a hamburger, shoe string fries, and frozen custard you might want to check out your local Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers!    The first Freddy’s restaurant was founded in 1950 actually in Wichita, Kansas.    As far as I know Easley is the first SC store, but I am sure you’ll start seeing more of them in other areas around South Carolina before too long!

    Otter Creek Waterpark and Freddy's

    Brina enjoying her sweet treat!

  • Travel & Vacation: The Grown Up Kids Having Fun Paddleboarding


    Megan and Josh did really well on the paddleboard!

    The lake was perfect for paddleboarding.  Not only did the kids have fun trying out their talents on the paddleboard, but the adults had a blast too.  It was great seeing everyone get up and zip (yes some faster than others) across the lake on the paddleboard.  Thankful for some time of fun, laughter, and the chance to try a new activity with family!


    Amber showing off her paddleboarding skills!


    Who says the kids have all the fun!  I think the adults had just as much fun on the paddleboard!  At least Amber did!


    Jake taking Brina with him on the paddleboard.


    Megan and Josh gliding around the lake on the paddleboard.


    Dad heading out to the middle of the lake on the paddleboard.


    Keeping it steady.


    Becky taking off!


    Becky and Nicko on the paddleboard.


    Lee was up and going in no time!


    Nicko going for a ride with his Dad!


    Dad teasing Jeremy before take off!


    Jeremy paddleboarding on Lake Milford.


    Uncle Lee and the kids!


    Looking a little crazy!


    Nathan and Grandma Penny


    Grandpa Russell and Nathan


    Lee and Becky going for a ride across the lake.


    Nathan taking his Mom on the paddleboard.


    Fun times at the lake.


    Jake started out kneeling….


    Once he was out a little ways he decided to stand up….


    And he was successful!  Jake cruising around Milford Lake on the paddleboard.

  • Travel & Vacation: Kids Paddleboarding on Lake Milford


    Yes, five kids can fit onto one paddleboard – Sierra, Brandon, Karlie, Nathan, and Brina

    On our last full day at Lake Milford Nate used his money to rent a paddleboard for several hours.  It provided a lot of fun entertainment for everyone!  The kids had a grand time as well as the adults trying their balancing skills on the paddleboard.  Thanks Nathan for sharing with everyone.  What a fun day!


    Nate and Brandon on the paddleboard!


    Brina and Brandon going for a ride on the paddleboard


    Getting instructions from Uncle Jeremy


    Nate and Sierra on a roll


    Sierra and Nathan cruising across the lake


    Karlie steering and Brina on for the ride


    Brina’s turn to paddle while Karlie rides (or splashes in the water)


    Nathan and Karlie on the paddleboard


    Karlie in control of the paddleboard now as Nathan hangs on


    Brina trying it out on her own…don’t go too far!


    Karlie testing her paddleboard skills


    Sierra going for a ride with Brandon on the paddleboard


    Sierra demonstrating her balancing talents!


    Brandon is a little concerned that Sierra’s balancing acts  may result in getting him tipped over


    Brandon, Brina, and Sierra all standing on the paddleboard.  This is a lot harder than it looks because you have more movement and it is much easier to tip over.


    Goofy kids!


    Trying to catch their balance without flipping the paddleboard.


    HOLD ON…..


    Brandon thought it was hilarious that all the girls fell off the paddleboard.


    Karlie, Brandon, Sierra, and Brina trying to get back on!


    Gliding across Lake Milford


    Brandon driving the paddleboard now



    They are having a grand time!


    Beautiful day for paddleboarding across the lake with cousins!


    Brina smoothly sailing around on the paddleboard


    Karlie taking Brina and Brandon around the lake.

  • Travel & Vacation: Water Skiing and Knee Boarding


    Dad and Lee water skiing on the outsides while Megan and Josh knee board on the inside!  All behind the boat at the same time!  Way to go!!!

    Our family enjoys the time on the lake!  Whether it is water skiing, knee boarding, tubing, or whatever there is plenty of fun for everyone including the kids.  It is always impressive to see several people being pulled behind the boat at the same time.  A couple of the days while we were at the lake it was really windy, but the last full day at the lake was the perfect set up for pulling multiple people behind the boat.  It takes a little more skill both for the driver and all the people in the water, but they managed to get up several times.


    Karlie and Uncle Lee getting up on the knee boards!


    And there up and going with smiles!


    Our little water girl.  She would probably live on the water if we let her.  So proud of her doing the knee board several times all by herself this year!!!


    Lee having fun!


    Thumbs up!


    He looks like he is up to something….


    Having fun, but you can see it in her face she is getting tired.  Just….a….little….bit….longer…..!


    Cruising around the lake on the knee board!


    Fun times at the lake!


    Becky and Lee’s turn now!


    Way to go Becky!


    Lee giving us the thumbs up as they pass us by!


    We were taking pictures of the four on the water from another boat!


    Here they come!


    With four people and taking pictures from another boat it’s hard to get a close shot!


    Zooming on past us!


    Lee, Josh, Megan, and Dad all going at once!


    There they go again!