• Travel & Vacation: Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    Kids on the move at Sea World

    The kids were super excited to go to the Shamu Killer Whale Show at SeaWorld.  Of course, they all wanted to sit in the “splash zone” so that they could get sprayed by the whales.  I think the adults got the most spray, but we all have a blast. It was amazing watching them glide through the water.  They are so big and beautiful!

    Beautiful creatures!

    Amazing killer whale show at Sea World!

    The girls were absolutely fascinated by the Shamu show

    Shamu orca killer whale show at Sea World

    Shamu the killer whale show


    These killer whales were mesmerizing to watch

  • Travel & Vacation: SeaWorld (Orlando, FL)

    We made it to SeaWorld! 🙂

    A few months ago our family was able to go to Florida and visit some great friends that lived there.  One of the days we were in Florida we spent at SeaWorld.  The girls LOVED it!  It was so much fun exploring SeaWorld with friends.

    Got their maps out and a mission to have fun!

    Our troop at Sea World, we had a great time!

    Girlies trying to see who can lean up against the ice cap the longest!

    The polar bear was swimming

    Fun at Sea World with friends