• Pampers Gifts to Grow – 10 Free Points

    Receive 10 free points from Pampers with the a new Gifts to Grow code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.


    The code expires on Monday, April 25, 2011 so make sure to add it to your account within the next few days!

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!

    For more information about the Pampers Gift to Grow Program and how you can start earning Pampers “Gifts to Grow” Rewards for your family go to Pampers Gifts to Grow!

  • Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards: 25 Free Points

    Receive 25 FREE Points from Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Program with a new code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.


    The code doesn’t have an expiration date listed  so don’t wait to use it just in case!

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!

    For more information about the Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards Program and how you can start earning Rewards for your family go to Huggies Enjoy the Ride Rewards!

  • Pampers Gifts to Grow – 10 Free Points

    Receive 10 free points from Pampers with the a new Gifts to Grow code!

    This code is different from the previous codes I have given.

    Use Code:  WELCOMEGTGPTS10

    The code doesn’t have an expiration date listed  so don’t wait to use it just in case!

    You can save up the rewards to purchase gifts!

    For more information about the Pampers Gift to Grow Program and how you can start earning Pampers “Gifts to Grow” Rewards for your family go to Pampers Gifts to Grow!

  • Giveaway Today (2/18): TWO 20% Off Amazon Mom Diaper Coupons!!!

    In honor of my Twin Daughters Birthday today I am giving away

    TWO Amazon Mom Diaper Coupons for 20% Off!!!

    Two lucky winners will receive the codes for an additional savings on their diapers by the end of today!  All you have to do to enter this giveaway is sign up to follow my blog (if you haven’t done so already) and leave a comment below by 10 PM EST on Friday, February 18, 2011 telling us how you follow Blessings Multiplied.  You can get a BONUS entry into the drawing if you leave a separate comment below sharing with us one of your biggest joys in raising little ones!  After 10 PM EST on February 18th I will randomly draw a winner from those who have entered the giveaway.  The codes are good through February 28, 2011.

    Sign into your Amazon Mom account to receive 30% off diapers everyday (15% that Amazon Mom‘s receive, plus the 15% from Subscribe and Save).  This coupon will allow you to save an additional 20% Off your diaper purchase.  Giving you an 50% discount!

    Amazon Mom is a free membership program offered by Amazon for Moms, Dads, parents, and caregivers of children from pregnancy through the toddler years.  Amazon Mom gives members discounts on products for the family.  You can join by signing into your Amazon account if you already have one and indicating it you’re a Mom, Dad, or caregiver of a child.  To learn more about this program check out my earlier post.

  • Savings with an “Amazon Mom” Membership

    Amazon Mom is a free membership program offered by Amazon for Moms, Dads, parents, and caregivers of children from pregnancy through the toddler years.  Amazon Mom gives members discounts on products for the family.  You can join by signing into your Amazon account if you already have one and indicating it you’re a Mom, Dad, or caregiver of a child.

    Some benefits to having an Amazon Mom account:

    • Free Membership
    • 30% off Diapers & Wipes
    • FREE Two Day Shipping with Amazon Prime
    • Exclusive Offers
    • Discounts & Special Promotions on Products
    • Automatic Additional 15% Discount on Subscribe & Save
    • No Fees, Risks or Obligations
    • Age Appropriate Product Recommendations

    You should receive a confirmation email shortly after you sign up for Amazon Mom, make sure to click the link in the email to confirm your subscription to Amazon Mom in order to start receiving benefits.  Any caregiver of children can qualify for an Amazon Mom membership.  The majority of savings are targeted to those who are pregnant through the toddler years although you can still join even if you have older kids!   You can often find additional coupons in magazines to stack on top of the Amazon Mom savings.

    For more information regarding the benefits of an Amazon Mom account click here.

  • Raising Young Children Together

    Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a local area MOPS group.  The topic was on “Honoring Your Parents”.  Many times we think this is a topic for our children, however, it continues to have applications for us as adults when interacting with our parents and in-laws.  We all grew up in different homes and have encountered a variety of situations throughout our lives.  Every one of us is on a our own journey and we need God’s grace to get us through each day.  He is continuing to do great things in our lives as well as in the hearts and lives of people around us.  When our hearts are changed it should have an effect on the relationships in our lives  (including our immediate and extended family). The decisions that both parents, extended family, and friends make impacts on the lives of our kids.  Are our reactions helping or hurting others?  What a great message!  Thanks Jay!

    If you are a Mom of young children I encourage you to check out a MOPS program in your area.  Being a Mom of little ones is a busy season in our lives so having the opportunity to spend time with other Moms is a true blessing.   Surrounding yourself with Moms going through a similar stage in life uplifts the spirit and provides a common bond.

    What is MOPS?  The initials stand for “Mothers of Preschoolers”.  Any Mom that is pregnant or has kids up through kindergarten is welcome to participate in a MOPS program.  The goal is to bring Moms together to have fun, encourage each other, and be the best Moms we can be.  Click here to find a MOPS group located near you.  I hope you enjoy your time of fellowship with Moms in your area!

    More information about the organization can be found on the MOPS website.

    No referrals are received by sharing this information.  This information is to help encourage Moms as they raise little ones.  I cannot guarantee that every group will be perfect and/or tailored to your specific needs.  It has been beneficial for me and I hope it will be for your family as well.  Please contact MOPS directly for more detailed information on MOPS and for a list of groups in your area.