• Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Fresh Lettuce, Spinach, & Strawberries

    Our first batch of Fresh Lettuce and Spinach from our garden!

    Recently we picked our first batch of fresh Lettuce and Spinach from our garden.  We had grilled steak, a fresh garden salad (with the lettuce & spinach picked fresh only moments before dinner), and pasta salad for dinner this past weekend.  The only other item we have picked from our garden is a handful of full size strawberries which the girls ate before I could take a picture of them.  The girls (and Mommy) are very excited that we can start eating delicious veggies and fruit from this years garden.  Thankful for a husband that took take of the garden while I was away.  The broccoli is already forming a head and several other plants look promising so hopefully we’ll have more goodies before long!

    Strainer full of several varieties of lettuce and spinach!

    I only picked a handful of the different varieties of lettuces and spinach from the garden and the strainer was overflowing.  It was enough for 2 to 3 meals for our family.  We have 4 to 5 varieties of lettuce and 1 variety of spinach.  All the leaf lettuce and spinach is ready to be picked.  Hope it continues to do well so we can share it with family and friends!

    Freshly Picked Wild Strawberries!

    Brina and Karlie have discovered our yard produces Fresh Wild Strawberries.  We never planted the strawberries they just grow in certain areas of our yard every year.  It must have been the perfect climate for them this year because we have more then usual.  The girls have been picking Wild Strawberries after school and even had the neighbor kid helping them one day.  These Wild Strawberries are tiny (about the size of a pencil eraser on average) and are pretty tart.  They are delicious to put on top of yogurt, ice cream or to mix in a fruit slushy.  It has been fun watching the girls collect them.  We’ve been enjoying them with our meals and sharing them with our neighbors!