• The Best Stuff in Life is FREE!

    I have come to learn that most treasured things in life really are “free”!  You cannot purchase these items and they come spontaneously and sincerely from the giver.  They are little wonderful gifts to those on the receiving end.  It is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day life and not realize that some of the best stuff that we can get in our lifetime is free.  These simple acts of kindness can be a huge blessing to us on a tough day.  As a Mom I am thankful for girls who freely and generously shower me with these blessings quite frequently.

    Here are some of the BEST things in my life that are free:

    • A hug from a child
    • Word of encouragement from a friend
    • Smile from a stranger
    • A handful of freshly picked dandelions, weeds, or flowers picked from the yard
    • Simple act of kindness
    • A handwritten note in the mail
    • And Many More Special Blessings

    I can think of so many more amazing blessings in my life that a free yet have a positive impact on my life as well as on the lives of others.  Another thought to consider is……how often do I give these gifts to others?  Often times it is when you demonstrate to your children, family and friends these blessing that you’ll see the ripple effect and eventually the other side of it.

    What are some ways you are a blessing to others?  Does it take much time or cost you too much to make a positive impact on the lives of the people around you?

  • A Little Purple Flower

    Those who know me have heard this story many times.  The other day as I was reflecting on my life and the many blessings in it my thoughts drifted back to this moment several years ago that so deeply stirred my heart.  I want to share this story with you to provide encouragement for those tough days.

    When I was in college I had an experience that left a lasting imprint on my heart and life.  Sometimes God uses the “tiniest” blessings to uplift and encourage us.  It had been a rough week at college with a lot of projects, tests, work, and activities.  I was a little more stressed than normal and homesick.  I had just checked my mailbox and once again it was empty.  As I quietly walked back to my dorm room I noticed a group of preschool children from the daycare nearby coming my direction walking in a single file line with their teachers.  The kids were talking, laughing and full of life.  Right as I was walking past them one little boy yelled “STOP!”  The whole line of kids, teachers, and myself stopped as he bent over at the edge of the sidewalk, looked at the ground, then started jumping up and down while yelling excitedly  “LOOK I FOUND A PURPLE FLOWER!”  What he had found was the tiniest little purple flower attached to a weed on the edge of the sidewalk.

    Everyday that week I had walked by those purple flowers but yet I was so focused on my own life, problems, and thoughts that I had failed to stop and notice the little purple flowers in my life.  Those purple flowers represent a multitude of blessings God sends my way to remind me (even in the tough times) that He loves me.  Often he uses the beauty of His creation to capture my attention but it could be many other blessings in my life that I didn’t stop to appreciate.  I never walked down that sidewalk again without looking for a purple flower and this moment has been etched in my mind as a reminder for me to continue looking for those purple flowers.

    There have been seasons in my life since that time when I had to look closely at the weeds (metaphorically speaking) to find a beautiful purple flower in the midst of the trial.  It was a simple illustration of God’s love shining through that little boy to remind me how truly blessed I am.  This moment made a priceless impact on my life and even though life isn’t always easy I know God cares enough to send even a tiny purple flower across my path.

    I want to encourage you if you are going through a rough season.  It’s okay to have tough days, God still loves you, cares about you, and is reaching out to show you blessings (no matter how big or tiny) everyday.  Although, you may have to look harder for those little purple flowers on the side of the walkway in the middle of the weeds you can rejoice in those little miracles of encouragement.  Take a moment today to reflect on the purple flowers in your life.

    Photo by donjd2

  • Song: “Lifesong” by Casting Crowns

    Great song that makes you think about your life.  How do I react in certain situations?  What does my lifesong look like?

    Our families probably see our “lifesong” more clearly than anyone else.  Let’s remember that we the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of our spouse, kids, extended family, friends, neighbors, and anyone we come in contact with throughout our days.