• I Love You Too!


    “I Love U” spelled out with their Magformers Set

    It is always a pleasant surprise when you walk into a room and find a nice saying or artwork waiting for you.   The other day I walked into the dining room and this is what was on the kitchen table.  An “I Love You” message and smiley face.

    Thankful for my kids.  Their creativeness and their little ways of reminding us that they truly do appreciate and love us as well.  They requested that I take a picture of their artwork so they could send a message to some people and let them know that they were thinking of them on this particular day.

    It’s the little things like this that make me smile.  Parenting can be tough some days, but it is also very rewarding too.  Grateful for these special moments when they demonstrate love, happiness, and the desire to brighten the days of others.

    P1360483cA Magformer smile waiting to be discovered on the table!

  • Travel & Vacation: Little Gifts of Love

     Our girls love horses!

    When I travel or am away from the girls for more than 24 hours I try to do something special for them.  Many times I write a note and put it on their car seat or pillow or a place I know they will see.  However, when I go on longer trips or happen to be away for several days I try to leave little gifts of love to remind them that I am thinking about them even while I am gone.

    I left this Horses! by Kathy Wilmore book for them to read while I was away on a trip earlier this year.  On the book was a bright orange flower sticky note that said:

    Brina and Karlie,  This is a book that both of you will enjoy about horses!  I love you and think about you everyday.  Looking forward to showing you pictures of our trip. Love , Mom

    I wrote the note following the circle shape of the flower so the girls thought it was fun to spin the note as they read it.  They love this book and pull it out often to look at.

    Ice cream cone bubble gum holder!

    Two little ice cream cone bubble gum holders were left hanging off the piano for the girls to find.  Another little gift of love and special treat for my sweet girls.

    Easy craft gift of love left for the girls – Pooh Paint with Water Book

    I found this Pooh Paint with book at Goodwill for 25 cents so I picked it up for the girls.  It was a great simple craft that didn’t make a huge mess for those watching the girls while we were away.  The yellow heart note reads:

    Brina and Karlie, Here’s a “fun” water painting book for you to enjoy while we are away! Love, Mom

    Each girl got a cool new cup with a note inside

    One of the little gifts of love I have done is get them a cute cup with a note inside for each girl.  This is a picture of one of the cups I gave them this year.  They both still use these cups.  The notes inside read:



    Little bucket full of goodies

    I hung one cute little bucket with a necklace, silly bands,  a popup balloon message and a note on each of the girls dressers.  The girls still have those buckets on top of their dressers full of items that mean something to them.  It was a lot of fun putting these together for girls.

    God gives us Courage book

    On Karlie’s pillow I pick a book called God Gives Us Courage.  In the note I wrote:

    Karlie, I know how you love books.  Here’s a new one for you.  Remember God is always with you and we are praying for you! Love, Mom

    Book – God Gives You Patience

    On Brina’s pillow I put a book called God Gives You Patience.  Her green heart sticky note said:

    Brina since you enjoy books here’s a new one for you!  Remember God love you and we are praying for you everyday! Love, Mom

  • I Love You Sweet Girls!

    I love you Brina & Karlie

    Before I traveled to India earlier this year I left a few goodies for the girls including this sign.  They were so excited to see this sign hanging up when they came home from school that day.  They treasured it so much that the sign is still in their room!

    This is a great reminder of how doing something simple like a spray painting a poster board can mean the world to our kids.  It is important to tell our kids that we love them in various ways including writing it down for them to read and showing them by our actions.  How have you shown your kids love today?

  • Song: “Grace” by Laura Story

    This is a great song by Laura Story.  At times I find myself weak, discouraged, unfocused, and stressed.  It is especially during those times that  I am thankful that I have a Savior to pick me up and give me the strength I need to get through each day.

    My heart is so proud. My mind is so unfocused.
    I see the things You do through me as great things I have done.
    And now You gently break me, then lovingly You take me.
    And hold me as my father and mold me as my maker.

    I ask You: “How many times will You pick me up.
    When I keep on letting You down.
    And each time I will fall short of Your glory.
    How far will forgiveness abound.
    And You answer: ” My child, I love you.
    And as long as you’re seeking My face.
    You’ll walk in the power of My daily sufficient grace.

    At times I may grow weak and feel a bit discouraged.
    Knowing that someone, somewhere, could do a better job.
    For who am I to serve You, I know I don’t deserve You.
    And that’s the part that burns in my heart and keeps me hanging on.

  • Song: “I Love You More Than You Ever Know” by Michael Ruff

    I was looking for a good song about “love” when I came across this one.  Even though we have the opportunity to celebrate with the one on Valentine’s Day every year it is important to show appreciate and love towards our spouses throughout the year.  Yes, some days are easier to express appreciation than others but if you intentionally do something thoughtful for your spouse everyday it will be a blessing not only to them but your marriage and family.  Try doing something thoughtful specifically for your spouse every day for a week, month, or more and let me know how it goes for you!

  • I Love You Sweet Girls!

    I have always enjoyed this book and thought the quote was appropriate with today being the girls birthday.  No matter how old the girls get they’ll always be my babies.  Thankful for the opportunity to be a Mom to Brina and Karlie!

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