• Order Will Be Restored in this House!


    Either the girls forgot the house rules or got a little spoiled with all our traveling and busy summer!  With everything going on this summer instead of waiting for them to pick up and turn their clothes right side out for laundry day I would just do it since I needed to repack the suitcase or wanted to get the house pick up.  The beginning of the school year got off to a rough start in house department because they must of thought it was okay or normal to just throw their clothes on the bathroom floor before their showers, leave headbands on the sink, and other random items placed in odd spots through the house and their rooms.

    After several days of being nice and reminding them to pick up after themselves I decided it was time to do something else to get their attention.  On that particular night I had already wading through their piles of clothes on the bathroom floor, picked up pieces of confetti paper off the dining room floor, put away their library books, placed more items than their bar stools would hold to be put away, and more craziness.  In my quest to pick of the house I found a piece of notebook paper on the kitchen floor and scribbled out my note.  The deal was either you pick up your stuff or breakfast will not be served that morning (and yes it was a school morning).  I let Jake read my note first just in case I was being too zealous with my request.  My first comment to him was “Order will be restored in this house!”  Jake thought it was hilarious!

    Guess what!?  IT WORKED!!!  You should have seen the girls reactions when they came to breakfast and saw the note on the counter instead of their food.  Too funny!  The next few minutes were a whirlwind of  them scurrying around the house to put all their stuff away.  They got everything done and in record time too.  They both even got to eat breakfast that morning!  The biggest benefit though was that it reminded them of their responsibilities and while we to still have an off day once in a great while it has been MUCH better.

    When everyone in the family works together to put away their items in the proper places the whole family can enjoy a much more livable house.  I don’t mind cleaning, but really don’t want to be a full time personal maid when everyone is perfectly capable of helping out.   No more wading through piles of clothes, tripping over shoes, washing my hands with headbands in the sink, or random items spread throughout the house!

    Hopefully this will be the last time I have to remind them.  It wasn’t a fancy note and it was done a little off the cuff, but hey the message got across and it served it’s purpose!  I have debated back and forth whether or not to share this with you than decided that if I am going through this in my house it is probably happening in at least a couple other homes somewhere.  Maybe?!

  • A Sweet & Simple Note Can Melt a Moms Heart


    Occasionally, Jake has to travel for work and there are times when he is gone random craziness happens at home.  On this particular week Jake was gone it was busy with a lot of school activities, tutoring, animals getting out of their pen, doctor appointments, sick kids, and more.  This particular day had a tough afternoon noon of school work, followed by chasing the goats back into their zone (multiple times), leftovers for dinner, a couple of not-so-cool Mommy moments, and running around trying to get the kids in bed on time.

    By the time the girls were in bed I was exhausted and ready to relax, but lunches still needed to be put together, dishes washed, kitchen picked up, bills to be paid, and more regular household duties waiting for my attention.   I decided to take 10 minutes and sit down, on the couch, and reflect on the events of the day.  While sitting there I started thinking about everything I could have done better regarding my interactions with the girls in some of the sticky situations specifically regarding my actions, words, and attitude.

    As I was thinking about the day I looked over at the dry erase board and saw a note from Karlie.  Some days you don’t know if they realize how much we love them…..then they do something spontaneous and sweet like this simple note that melts my heart.  And brings more tears!  We are not perfect parents by a long shoot, but it does a Moms heart good to know that they really do feel loved and appreciated even in amidst those hurried, frustrating, and crazy days.  I had no idea this note was on the dry erase board or when she put it there with everything going on that day, but it was the perfect encouragement boost I needed for that evening.  Thankful for my kids and for their thoughtful ways of showing love.

    She picked yellow so it’s a little harder to read, but it says:

    I love Daddy.

    I love Mommy.

    I love Brina.

    I love Oreo, Snowball, and Skipper.