• Family Outings: Teaching About Gun Safety & Target Practice

    Daddy with his two little girls following him!

    We have been teaching the girls about gun safety because we have a lot of family members who hunt, fish, and target practice.  Recently we took the girls to the Shooting Range to teach them a little more about gun safety and to target practice.  We think it’s important to demonstrate to the kids safety with the serious items such as guns.  It was quite the fun adventure for the family.  Daddy was patient and good with showing the girls the basics.  Karlie was ready to put up a target in the house for practicing with her nerf gun.  They both wanted to know if Daddy would take them back to the range again.  Glad they had fun.  The range was a busy place and great opportunity to spend quality time with the family.  It was pretty cute seeing Jake in hot pink ear plugs too.


    Here are a few pictures from our Family Outing to the Shooting Range:


    Remember to bring your ear plugs!


    Daddy and the Girls!


    Daddy getting set up!


    Targets are Ready!


    Going over all the gun details and steps with Karlie!


    Daddy helping Brina reload the gun.



    Karlie getting into target practice!



    Brina getting her practice at target shooting.