• Travel & Vacation: Rainbow Row (Charleston, SC)


    When we go into downtown Charleston, SC the kids always try to see who is the first one to spot Rainbow Row.  Rainbow Row is a  popular architectural landmark in Charleston, SC along East Bay Street.  It is a row of brightly colored 18th century buildings in Charleston.

    The buildings were given their name due to their beautiful Colonial Caribbean color scheme.  Originally, the buildings were businesses that serviced the Charleston docks.  The oldest one of the buildings was built in 1748.  The buildings had stores on the bottom floors with the business owners and their families living on the second floor.  Currently the buildings are private residences, however, they continue to resemble their historical style and colors.  If you are on that side of Charleston go ahead and snap a photo of these colorful houses on Rainbow Row.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Charleston: The Charleston Museum


    Standing beside the replica of the H. L. Hunley outside of the Charleston Museum!

    The girls have been wanting to go to the Charleston Museum ever since they saw the replica of the Hunley sitting outside in front of it.  On one of our recent trips we got a chance to explore the Charleston Museum.  The girls were very excited to check out the museum.  The Charleston Museum was America’s First Museum founded in 1773 with the purpose of preserve the culture and history of Charleston and the Lowcountry.


    Checking out the Hunley replica before heading into the Charleston Museum.


    Oh yes, they found a cannon!


    Look above the girls!  That’s a huge whale skeleton hanging from the foyer of the Charleston Museum.  That whale was one that came into the Charleston Harbor many years ago.


    Checking out the display!


    Soaking in all the history!


    Brina enjoyed going through the animal displays.


    Goofy Karlie….


    Hanging out with two Southern Belle’s!


    Dressing up in some fun clothes!


    The dresses are not the most perfect fit, but we had fun!


    Brina having a grand time!

  • Travel & Vacation: Learning About Old Ironsides & the USS Constitution Museum


    Our family inside Old Ironsides next to the cannons!

    We split up the Old Ironsides tour and the USS Constitution Museum into two days which actually worked out really well for our family.  If you are planning on visiting Old Ironsides make sure you are carrying your driver’s license otherwise you will not be able to get into see it.  We left my driver’s license at the hotel since I wasn’t carrying my wallet and we would be riding on the subway and trolley.  Oh well!  It let us spread the adventure out a little bit more.


    Visiting the U.S.S. Constitution (aka Old Ironsides)

    The first day we explored the USS Constitution Museum.  Both girls really enjoyed the museum, history, and all the cool activities.  They did a great job making fun and interactive displays for the kids at this museum.  It was not huge, but we still spent at least a couple hours doing everything (some activities the girls did multiple times).  I highly recommend going to this Museum if you visiting Old Ironsides, it’s right across the street.  The kids will enjoy it (especially the second floor)!   The second day we explored Old Ironsides the ship!


    Brina put together her ship!


    They both managed to build their ships using the diagram.


    Huge model of Old Ironsides


    Our little sailor girl.


    This was a lot harder than it looked.  They had to stand on a tight rope, pull up the sails, and tie them up without falling off.  Took a little coordination, but they both had a blast pulling up the sails!


    Yikes!  The boats rocking the hammock a little too fast for Karlie!


    Brina lounging in the hammock!


    We were up early and ready to go the next day.  The girls enjoyed riding on the T in Boston.  Brina was very worried that I was too close to the subway or that I would get left behind if I didn’t hurry when it stopped.


    Went from riding the MBTA (Boston’s subway) to riding the Boston’s Old Town Trolley!  Jake and Brina sitting across the aisle from us!


    Karlie loving her time exploring Boston!


    Ready to go abroad the U.S.S. Constitution otherwise known as Old Ironsides!  I am glad we visited Old Ironsides because we just recently found out that they are pulling it out of the harbor for the next 3 years to do restoration work on it.


    We got there just as it opened so it was less crowded and cooler!  Old Ironsides is still an active ship.  Every year on July 4th they take the ship 1 mile out and bring it back into harbor.  We were there a couple days before July 4th so they were preparing for their big annual one mile trip out to sea!


    Checking out the cannons on Old Ironsides!


    Karlie climbing down the steep steps!


    We stopped to talk with one of the sailors for a few minutes.


    Demonstrating one of their fighting drills after showing us how to load the cannons!

    Exploring Boston, MA - Old Ironsides and Boston Museum of Science

    She’s thinking about something….I sense a question about to come!

  • Travel & Vacation – Exploring Colonial Williamsburg


    Our wild crew at Colonial Williamsburg in front of the Governor’s Palace!

    We had a chance to explore Colonial Williamsburg in Williamsburg, Virginia on our recent road trip up the East Coast!  It was our first big stop an our road trip.  After driving to the area the day before we spent the night at a local hotel and were up early the next morning with our picnic lunch packed and ready to explore the area.

    Jake had to work on Friday so for the most part it was just the girls and I exploring  Colonial Williamsburg.  He did get to join us for a little bit over his lunch break though which was really nice.  It was a lot of fun seeing so many neat historical places.  The girls did the quest exploration and scavenger hunt.  My phone didn’t work in all the areas so we didn’t finish all the quest activities, but we did get our prize for completing the scavenger hunt.

    Last year in school the girls studied a lot of about the American Revolution, Civil War and more in Social Studies so this adventure really ties into some of the items they have been learning about in school.  Colonial Williamsburg is like taking a step back into America’s past during the time of the American Revolution.  There are hundreds of restored buildings, exhibits, homes, government offices, trade shops, museums and more to explore.


    We’ve made it!


    Hiking along the path to the next location to explore!  This was a neat bridge with a stream and path running underneath it, nice and cool on a hot summer day!


    Brina and Karlie outside the Governor’s Palace!


    Beautiful display of pistols with the family crest in the entry way of the Governor’s Palace!


    Standing in front of the fire palace with a small portion of the weapons on display in the palace.  The Governor’s Palace had impressive displays of muskets, pistols, swords, curve-blade sabers and more!  The hundreds of weapons visible once stepping into the house was meant to both wow and intimidate you.


    More weapons displayed on the stairwell.  Brina really thought they did a great job hanging the guns!


    Touring the gardens at the Governor’s Palace!


    Jake with his girls near the palace greens!


    George Wythe House and gardens!


    Exploring inside George Wythe’s house!


    Wow, he was studying some really cool scientific items.


    Playing the game of “Pick up Sticks”

    Travel & Vacation - Colonial Williamsburg

    Watching him hand-make cedar shingles for a building at Colonial Williamsburg!  The fresh wood shavings smelled awesome!


    Oh no! Brina and Karlie in the stocks, what did they do?!


    Touring the print shop!  Wow, there are some BIG books!  Karlie loved it!


    Brina all smiles!


    Grinding up seeds of grain.  This is going to take forever if we want to make some homemade bread!


    Outside the capital building!

    We had a blast exploring Colonial Williamsburg!  The girls were ready to stay for a week and explore even more.  We only had the one day at Colonial Williamsburg along our road trip, but we packed in a ton of activities into that one day.  Thankfully, we started early and were able to get through a large portion of the items that the girls wanted to do.  It was really neat learning what it would be like to live there during the time of the American Revolution.  All the people were very friendly, helpful, and it was a great day with the kids.  We were all exhausted by the time we got back into the car later that day and headed back onto the road towards our next destination.