• Be My Valentine: Sweetheart Strawberry Smoothie

    Sweetheart Strawberry Smoothie

    Last week I picked up some fresh strawberries on clearance at Ingles.  As soon as the girls saw the strawberries they wanted to know if I would make them a smoothie.  This past weekend while they were playing together I decided it was time to make they smoothie for them.  I came up with this recipe using ingredients we had on hand.

    As an extra treat I put freshly cut strawberries around the smoothie on a plate.  I cut the stems off the strawberries in a “v” pattern making the strawberries look like little hearts.

    Sweetheart Strawberry Smoothie:

    • 5 Strawberries (fresh or frozen0
    • 1/4 cup Raspberries
    • 1/4 cup Cranberries
    • 1 cup Milk
    • 1/2 cup Ice
    • Extra Strawberries for garnish
    • Cool Whip for garnish

    The girls loved the fresh “heart” strawberries and their smoothies.  I super excited that they willingly ate some fresh cranberries and raspberries which were in their smoothies.   The more healthy fruits, vegetables, and nutritional goodies I get into the kiddos the better.  They love smoothie treats just as much as I do! 🙂

    Strawberry Smoothie with Cool Whip and a Straw!  The girls LOVED it!