• Fresh & Healthy: Fun Fall Fruit to Add to Your Kids Lunch

    Orange Pumpkin

    Are you are looking for a sweet and healthy Fall or Halloween treat to send in your kids school lunch?  Grab an orange, draw a pumpkin face on it, and stick it in their lunch box.  They will love it!  It is a fun, sweet, and healthy food for them to eat.  They will be excited to eat their fruit at lunch.  Doing something as simple  as adding a face to an orange can motivate the kids to eat more fruit!

    Thankfully, our kids have always enjoyed eating their fruits and vegetables, but adding a little extra surprise (like a pumpkin face) during the various Holiday Seasons gets them even more excited.  What are your favorite healthy Halloween snacks that you like to send in your kids lunches?  Our kids get enough candy sweets around Halloween Holiday so offering more healthier food options is always something we want to encourage.  Another bonus is the orange provides extra vitamin C which is perfect boost for the kids immune systems as we enter the seasons were colds seem to spread like wildfire through school.

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    Lunch Box Goodies

    School lunch box goodies for the kiddos!  Today the girls picked out some delicious items for their lunch.  After they went to bed I made them a homemade chicken salad sandwich and put it in a pretty princess bag for them.  Here’s what they packed:

    • Homemade Chicken Salad Sandwich
    • Fresh Banana
    • Fresh Cauliflower
    • BBQ Chips
    • Yogurt
    • Shared a Honey-bun
    • Juice Bag

    Always something fun to eat in the lunch box.

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    School Lunch!

    The girls are good at helping put together their lunches.  They know that we get a protein, fruit, vegetable, dairy, drink and snack.  Here’s what they had today:

    • Peanut Butter & Homemade Strawberry Jam
    • Fresh Tomatoes
    • Pita Chips
    • Yogurt
    • Applesauce or Yogurt Raisin
    • Cheesestick
    • Bottled Water and Reduced Sugar Juice
    • Sugar Free Cherry Jello
    • Protein Bar or SoyJoy Apple Granola Bar

    Lunch Box Goodies

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    Encouraging our kids to eat healthy lunches

    The best part about making lunch for your kids to take to school or for your husband to take to work is you know exactly what they are eating each day.  There were a few days when the girls would come home from school hungry and cranky, after asking them what they had for lunch I would occassionally get the answer……”yogurt”.  My girls really do like yogurt, unfortunately it is not the most filling nutrition to help you get through the rest of the school day.  Which is just one of the reasons we decided to start making the girls lunches this year.

    Here’s what they have in their lunch boxes:

    • PB&J Sandwich
    • Freshly Sliced Plums
    • Lime or Raspberry Jello (sugar free)
    • Freshly Sliced Summer Squash & Cucumbers
    • Yogurt Cup or Stick
    • Freshly Made Banana Bread
    • Snack – Bag of Peanuts or Biscotti
    • Drink – Gatorade or Reduced Sugar Juice

    After Halloween I picked up the “candy corn” baggies which the girls love!  I was able to get 100 candy corn baggies for $0.25 cents on clearance.  The girls smile when I put in a “fun” bag and it helps me stretch the budget so it’s a win-win for the family!