• Recipes: Red & Blue Patriotic Salad

    Recipes - Strawberry - Blueberry - Steak - Salad - P1420522c

    Fresh Red & Blue Patriotic Salad

    I have been enjoying the fresh salads lately with the warmer temperatures.  The other day as I was looking through the refrigerator for lunch ideas and decided to use up some leftovers along with some fresh fruit and greens.  The salad turned out delicious.  It was cool and crispy with a touch of sweetness in every bite.

    The recipe below is for a single serving, however, this would be a great one to make into a larger salad to share for the July 4th Holiday or really anytime throughout the hot summer season.  Whether at a picnic, party, celebration, or any other event the salad is sure to be a hit.  Plus it’s healthy, colorful, and delicious!

    Red & Blue Patriotic Salad Recipe:

    • 2 cups Fresh Romaine Lettuce
    • 1/4 cup cut Fresh Strawberries
    • 1/4 cup Fresh Blueberries
    • 3 oz Sirloin Steak, slivered
    • 1 tablespoon Walden Farms Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Rinse the romaine lettuce, strawberries, and blueberries.  Cut up the romaine lettuce (if not already done so).  Place the romaine onto your plate or serving dish.  Cut the strawberries into quarters and add them to the top of the romaine.   Add the blueberries on top as well.  Sliver your sirloin steak and place it on the bed of romaine.  Sprinkle the Walden Farms Raspberry Viniagrette salad dressing over your salad, mix gently, and enjoy!

    Optional: If you want to add a little bit of white to your Red & Blue salad to make it a Red, White, and Blue Salad I was suggest adding a sprinkling of cheese on top such as crumbled blue cheese, shredded parmesean, or mozzarella. 

    Total Calories: 333 | Total Net Carbs: 4.4


    Fresh & Delicious!


    Lunch is ready!

  • Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs


    The soldiers are being dunked into the soft boiled egg!

    One of my daughters has a new favorite breakfast treat – Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs!  My husband was the one who introduced her to this new breakfast dish and it was a hit!  Our family tries to have a sit down Saturday morning breakfast or brunch.  We try to have at least one meal a day where we all sit down and eat together as a family.  During the week that meal is in the evenings for dinner, but on Saturday we try to do it in the morning since many Saturday afternoons and evenings are taken up with other activities.

    My husband is an amazing cook and will often introduce the kids to new recipes or come up with his on completely new recipe.  Which always turns out delicious!  I don’t think he has ever made anything that didn’t taste yummy!   Myself on the other hand….well….let’s just say there have been a few dishes or recipes I have made that we can laugh about now as a family, ha!

    The best part about Soldiers and Soft Boiled Eggs is that they are pretty easy to make.  The “soldiers” are just bread that is toasted, buttered, and cut into strips.  The soldiers are perfect for dunking into the delicious thick and runny egg yolk!

    A soft boiled egg is a perfect combination between poached and hard boiled egg.  To make soft boiled eggs you bring a pot of salted water to a boil.  Gently add your eggs to the boiling water and cover the top of the pan.  Reduce the heat to low and let them cook for 5 minutes.  (While your eggs are boiling make your soldiers.)  Remove the eggs from the boiling water and rinse the eggs with cold water.

    Once your soft boiled egg is done cut off the top and serve immediately with your toast soldiers!  After you are done dunking all your soldiers and your egg yolk is gone you can peel and eat the rest of your egg.

    My daughter loves this breakfast.  I think dunking the soldiers in the egg yolks has a certain appeal, but she enjoys the taste too.  Always love it when we come up with fun and healthy recipes!


    Dunking her soldiers into the soft boiled egg yolk.

    Soft Boiled Eggs & Toast Soldiers

    Typically we do one piece of toast per two eggs, but it really depends on how much you want to dunk or the amount of yolk you want on each soldier.