• Song: “I Love You More Than You Ever Know” by Michael Ruff

    I was looking for a good song about “love” when I came across this one.  Even though we have the opportunity to celebrate with the one on Valentine’s Day every year it is important to show appreciate and love towards our spouses throughout the year.  Yes, some days are easier to express appreciation than others but if you intentionally do something thoughtful for your spouse everyday it will be a blessing not only to them but your marriage and family.  Try doing something thoughtful specifically for your spouse every day for a week, month, or more and let me know how it goes for you!

  • Be My Valentine: Valentine Cake Batter Rice Krispies

    Valentine Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats

    The girls have to bring a goody for their school Valentine’s Day party.  When I asked them what they wanted me to buy or make they both said to bring the Valentine’s Cake Batter Rice Krispie treats with “extra sprinkles”!  I made this recipe earlier for another event so they were excited to try it out before their party.

    Heart shaped Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats with sprinkles

    The girls loved making this little Valentine Rice Krispies.  We added a little bit of cake batter, a drop of red food coloring, and some sprinkles than used cookie cutters to make the hearts.

    Having fun making designs with the Valentine Cake Batter Rice Krispie hearts

    We had fun making different designs with the treats.  Their favorite design was the flower.  Since we were taking them to more than one party we were able to have some fun getting creative with the treats.

    Rice Krispie Hearts of different sizes

    The big heart cookie cutter was cute, but we did more of the small heart to make sure everyone had a rice krispie treat to enjoy.  Thankful that the girls requested a pretty easy treat to share with their friends.  Do you have to bring treats for your kids classroom?

  • Song: “Love of My Life” by Jim Brickman

    In celebration of the Valentine Holiday this week I wanted to share a song with about “love”.  I am thankful everyday for Jake and the many things that he does for our family.  He is an amazing part of my life and I love him so very much.  It is hard to believe we have been married almost 12 years and have known each over for over 16 years!  🙂  I am blessed and have much to be thankful for in my life.

  • Be My Valentine: “Sweet” Treats

    “Thanks for always rooting for me!” (IBC Root Beer) and “Thanks for always being our ‘sweet’ girl!”

    Every once in awhile when the girls and Jake are gone or busy with something else I will pull together a surprise.  I am thankful for my family and blessed with a wonderful husband and two sweet girls.  Life is not always “perfect” but it is fun.

    Spending a few minutes to show appreciation to my husband or my kids is worth every minute I invest.  The best part is I do it at random times when they are not around so it truly is a surprise.  This gift was originally given to Jake and the girls on Thanksgiving Day but it can be applied very easily to Valentine’s Day celebrations as well.

    If you are looking for something easy yet sweet to do this Valentine’s Day this was one that my family enjoyed.  After putting together your gift I challenge you to go one step further make a commitment to continue being a blessing to the ones you love by surprising them with a sweet note, treat, or something special throughout the rest of the year.  Try to make it part of your routine whether it is once a week, every other week or once a month.  Showing your care makes an impact on the lives of others.

    I came up with the sayings for the girls heart “love” notes – Thanks for always being our “sweet” Brina (or Karlie)! Love, Mom and Dad  The cute “pop” love note is from Darling Doodles.    She has a template you can print out if your interested in doing something similar for your spouse!

  • Be My Valentine: “I Love Everything You Dew” Love Note

    I LOVE everything you dew!

    A few weeks ago I discovered these cute “pop” love notes from Darling Doodles and have been enjoying adding these love notes to my stash of ones to give to Jake!  🙂  He enjoys drinking Mountain Dew so when it goes on sale I try to get a little for him.  This particular love note was a great one to give to my man!

    When Jake is coming home after being away with work for several days or if he has had a tough day I try to do something special to cheer him up.  I will put the surprises in various visible places throughout the house (his side of the garage, kitchen, his desk, our dresser, on his plate at the table, etc…) where I know he will be.  Although, he never knows when I am doing it or where I will put it he always finds it.  On this particular day he was stressed with a lot on his plate with work, travel arrangements, family and everything else.  I decided it was a good day to put out a special surprise for him to say “I love you”!   The Mountain Dew and sweet note sitting on the dresser downstairs in our family room was the first thing he saw walking into the house and it did bring a smile which made it worth it for me!

    Sometimes taking just a few minutes out of your day to show your spouse you are thinking about them and that you care can make all the difference.  It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, money or effect but the benefits will go a long way.  Doing something special for them could mean packing their lunch for work the next day, laying out their clothes the night before, or even leaving a love note on their pillow.  Investing time and energy into your marriage is always good for the entire family.  How do you cheer your spouse up or make them feel appreciated?

  • Family Celebrations: Valentine’s Day

    We had a blast celebrating Valentine’s Day together as a family.  The day was so packed full of fun that I didn’t have time yesterday to post what we were up to so I am doing it today!  Here are little snip-its of our family celebrations!

    Brina and Karlie's Valentine Breakfast Goodies

    While Brina and Karlie were getting dressed for school we set out a little box of sweethearts and heart necklaces for them to enjoy.  They ate heart shape blueberry pancakes and saved their candy until after school.  Although they did wear their heart necklaces ALL day!

    Special Valentine's Surprise on my Steering Wheel!

    Jake went with the girls to pick out something special for me.  They left these little goodies on my steering wheel.  When I got into the van to drive Brina and Karlie to school I noticed my Valentine’s surprise.  They picked out a flower, kitten candy and a Valentine’s Day card.  They each wrote their names and drew me a picture.  In my card I had a heart family of four, so cute!

    Valentine's Day Gifts

    Daddy and the girls each received a package of “Nerf Darts” for Valentine’s Day.  Now when we have our little nerf wars we won’t be knocking each other over to get a dart, hopefully.  Karlie was so excited she hugged the package, spun around, and ran out of the room (to get her nerf gun, of course).  Brina had her nerf gun loaded first and Mom was the primary target since I was cooking and couldn’t defend myself, don’t worry I got them back!

    Expression of "love"!

    I had a package of Starbursts so I spelled the word “Love” on the table.  The girls thought this was so neat.  They were excited that they could read the word and could barely wait for Daddy to come home so they could eat the word!

    "I Love You" Balloon

    I picked up an “I Love You” balloon at Dollar Tree for $1.  The girls thought this “ape” was so adorable and managed to drag it almost everywhere they went for the rest of the night!

    Brina celebrating Valentine's Day with her class!

    I was able to help with the girls Valentine’s Day party.  The kids had a lot of yummy treats to celebrate the day.  Brina was so excited to have me come spend time with her in the classroom.

    Karlie enjoying chips during thier Valentine Party!

    Karlie ate all the non-sweet goodies first, including a yogurt and Doritos, as you can see from her orange mouth she really enjoyed the chips.  She was telling all her classmates that I was her Mom and that they should wish me “Happy Valentine’s Day”!

    Homemade heart shape Valentine's Day white pie pizza!

    I made homemade heart shape white pie pizza with mushrooms and olives on top for supper!  The girls thought it was funny the pizza was a heart and the slices were different shapes from “normal” pizza.  It was a fun and easy way to spread the Valentine cheer!

    Minor casualty, nerf dart was shot into the oven!

    I was pulling the pizza out of the oven in the middle of a nerf dart storm and this little guy didn’t survive.  It managed to hit the hot oven, when I went to pull it off the dart tore.  The girls were sad that a dart was broken but it gave me an opportunity to demonstrate why they shouldn’t be aiming in my direction while cooking!

    It was a super fun day with the family.  Having children have makes the Holidays even more of a special treat, they get excited about celebrating.  I am thankful everyday for my family and the memories we create together.

  • Song: “Love Never Fails” by Brandon Heath

    It isn’t encouraging to know you are loved.  “Love Never Fails” is a great way to put it. God is love and he allows us to experience love on earth as well through our relationships with our spouses, kids, family, and friends.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

    May you be able to enjoy time with someone you love today!

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

    Celebrate love and cherish the memories on this special day!

    Wishing you a sweet day full of fun with the ones you love!

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

    Photo by Ellie