• Mother’s Day Celebration!

    Happy Mother's Day! Family Picture!My family

    Thankful for an opportunity to be a Mom! Being a Mom is an amazing honor and privilege that quite frankly scares me some days.  It’s good to know that the call of Motherhood is not a place for us to be alone, but a place where we get the opportunity to live life alongside other Mothers and sisters who can pray, encourage, and support each other throughout this incredible journey.

    I am thankful for my Mother and the many Mothers and sisters in my life that continue to make an impact on my heart.  We live in a broken world full of broken people therefore it is impossible to be perfect and being a Mom tends to make that oh so clear.  It is essential and refreshing to have people who are willing to speak truth and love into your life on a regular basis.  I am grateful for each and every one of these ladies in my life.

    Mother's Day - Breakfast in Bed

     Breakfast in bed – fresh cherries, fresh pineapple, yogurt, and an omelet (ham, cheese, mushroom, spinach, and tomatoes)!  Delicious!

    Jake and the girls made my Mother’s Day extra special.  I received breakfast in bed, hugs, and well wishes.  After breakfast we went to church together and heard a powerful message that hit home in my heart.  When we got home Jake and the girls (okay, mostly Jake) made an amazing lunch followed by a relaxing evening.  The girls gave me sweet cards, beautiful flowers, a blueberry bush, a swing cushion, and other goodies.

    It is not always easy being a Mom, however, there are more good days and great memories than I can count.  Some days are a little tough and I get frustrated with myself for not being able to do better, but I never regret becoming a Mom.  Motherhood is one of life’s greatest gifts and callings.  It is an honor and a little scary at times raising kids.

    Although life gets a little crazy at times I wouldn’t change it for anything.  It has been a wonderful gift seeing these two little blessings grow up.  They continue to amaze me and it is awesome seeing them use their talents.

    Happy Mother's Day

    One of the several beautiful and Sweet Mother’s Day signs.  This one is from Karlie and I discovered it sitting on my desk!  Love my girls!

  • My Sweet Girls – Brina and Karlie


    I have the privilege of being a Mom to these girls!

    I love being a Mom.  It is the most rewarding, yet most challenging part of my life.  I am thankful for the many blessings in my life and that my prayers to be a Mom were answered over 10 years ago.

    The girls bring me a lot of joy yet they know how to best push my buttons at the same time.  Being a Mom is a huge responsibility.   I want my kids to grow up to love the Lord.  I pray that God gives Jake and I the wisdom to raise these girls.

    While they keep me on my toes the kids also know how stretch me and make me laugh.  Thankful for the amazing girls who call me Mom.   What a blessing it is to be their Mom!

    I am thankful for my Mom, Mother-in-Law, Grandma’s, and the many women in my life who have shared their love, prayers, and words of wisdom with me.  Wishing all of you a very Happy Mother’s Day weekend!!!

    Happy Birthday Brina and Karlie

    Our girls!

  • The Blessings of Motherhood!

    Mother’s Day cards – can you guess who gave me which card?!

    There are so many joys and rewards to being a Mom.  As I reflect on the recent Mother’s Day I am once again reminded of the many blessings I have in my life.  It took my husband and I several years before we had children so when I look back it on those days it reminds me of the precious gifts we have been given as well as the big responsibility of raising our girls.

    Cards from Karlie and Brina with for Mother’s Day with pressed flowers

    Not every day is easy nor does parenting always go perfectly for me.  Somehow raising children has a way of “highlighting” the areas in my life that I need to work on.  Several times over the past few months I have noticed more and more how my kids reflect my attitude, actions, and words.  I have had to apologize to my kids for overreacting, saying something hurtful, or just being in a grumpy mood.  Thankfully through all the successes as well as the failures my girls still love me and want to spend time with me.

    Mother’s Day cards from Karlie & Brina

    More than a week before Mother’s Day the girls announced that they were going to our neighbors garage sale to “shop” for a Mother’s Day gift so off they went with their little purses and money to the neighbors house.  The girls and their cousin came back with bags in their hands and smiles on their faces.  They were very excited to find treasures for Mother’s Day and they picked out some pretty cool stuff too.  Brina got me a “Mom” necklace, pens, and lipstick and holder.  Karlie got me a candle holder with candles, a mirror, and a “Mom” bracelet.  The best part is that they picked it all out themselves and they put so much thought into their gifts.

    Adorable note from my sweet Karlie

    I was spoiled because both girls gave me 3 Mother’s Day cards too.  Just reading their sweet cards brought tears to my eyes.  They have grown up so much…..its hard to believe that only a few years ago they were tiny preemie babies and now they are shopping, writing their own cards, and so much more.  God has richly blessed me with Brina and Karlie.  I love them dearly and pray that I have wisdom from above to be the best Mom I can be for my girls.

    Note and picture from my beautiful Brina

    Jake is so good to me everyday but he always surprises me around Holidays.  He made all the meals the entire weekend (it was a wonderful break).  Jake is an amazing cook so I was really spoiled over Mother’s Day weekend.  His cards always bring tears to my eyes.  This year I got a brand new…..office chair from my man for Mother’s Day.  Even though I don’t ever remember mentioning anything about my office chair he noticed that it was getting near its end.  It has been nice having a comfy chair to work in this week!  Thank you Handsome for your thoughtfulness, kindness, and love.

    Mother’s Day drawing and note from my beautiful Karlie

    The best part of the weekend was spending extra time with my family.  It was the first weekend in a long time that it was just us hanging out together.  We went on adventures, played games, read books, worked around the house, spent some time with friends, laughed, and just enjoyed our time as a family.  I am thankful for the many memories and our moments together are a truly amazing gift.

    Cute note in the card from my sweet Brina

  • Song: “A Mother’s Prayer” by Celine Dion

    In celebration of Mother’s Day this week I picked out a song about Mother’s.  This song is about the prayer of a Mother for her children as they grow up.  I am thankful for my Mom and everything that she has done in my life.  She is still an encouragement in my life.

    Being a Mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles I have in my life.  The girls are an amazing blessing, however, I find that they tend to stretch my character a little bit too.  It is my prayer that I will be the best Mom I can be for my children and that they will not only see past my faults and failures but more importantly that they will learn to rely on Jesus (who never fails) for their strength and portion every day.

  • Family Celebrations: Happy Mother’s Day

    Relaxing in the Hammock with my girls!

    Jake got me a hammock for Mother’s Day.  The girls and I enjoyed some time relaxing, laughing, talking and reading stories together in the hammock on Sunday.

    Karlie told me “Mom, I think you’ll have a lot of fun relaxing in your hammock, you can read a book or read the Bible and talk to God outside now!”

    Brina caught a couple little ladybugs to take on the hammock with us “They like to relax and swing too Mom!”

    I am blessed with two beautiful thoughtful girls and a sweet husband.  This year the girls planned Mothers Day from Breakfast in Bed to the gifts and activities.  It was a fun, memorable and relaxing day with the family. My cup truly runeth over….there was a time in my life when I wondered if I would ever have kids and a family of my own.  Thankful that God chose to bless me with these two wonderful daughters.  Being a Mom brings so many precious rewards, fun, and laughter.

    • Breakfast in Bed – Brina and Karlie brought me Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Pineapple, Cantelope, Honeydew, Mango, & Grapes) and a Strawberry Lemonade Fruit Slushy, delicious!  (sorry no pictures of the breakfast in bed)


    Sweet Mother's Day Cards the girls made at school!

    The girls had fun “surprising” me with their goodies!  Their cards were so cute!

    Mother's Day Picture Frames Brina and Karlie made in Sunday School!

    The girls were so excited to make these special picture frames in Sunday School.

    Brina and Karlie having fun relaxing on the wooden swing Jake made me several years ago! Thanks Handsome!

    After church we came home and spent time relaxing together.  We enjoyed the beautiful day outside in the yard!

    Freshly picked bouquet of dandelions "lions" and clover compliments of Karlie!

    After lunch Karlie went outside to get a special Mother’s Day surprise for me.  She came back in with a handful of freshly picked dandelions and clover.

    Mother's Day gift from the girls!

    It is the gifts from the heart – the hug, kind word, and thoughtfulness that mean the world to me!  At the same time as I celebrate this amazing day with my family my heart and prayers go out to those who have lost their Moms or who are unable to have children.  Every life is a gift and every day is a treasure from above.   I am thankful for the many blessings (both family and friends) in my life.