• Fresh & Healthy: Halloween School Lunch

    Halloween School Lunch

    Every year for Halloween I try to spruce up the girls lunch.  I try to put little goodies in their box that are fun for celebrating the Holiday.  The girls always enjoy their special school lunch too.  I typically use items that they would normally have for lunch and wrap them in special bags, boxes, or use Halloween duct tape.

    Lunch Goodies:

    • 1 container Taco Lasagna
    • 1 “Trick or Treat” box with Pretzels
    • 1 “Caution” Fruit Punch Juice Box
    • 1 “Spider” Applesauce
    • 1 Halloween bag of Baby Carrots
    • 1 “Candy Corn” box Craisins
    • 1 Water Bottle

    They enjoyed their special Halloween school lunch.  Love being able to give them something different for their lunch on Halloween.