• Travel & Vacation: Dinosaur Ridge


    Karlie and Brina ready to go explore at Dinosaur Ridge!

    My cousin Renelle and her husband Eric took the girls on an adventure to Dinosaur Ridge in Morrison, Colorado.  The girls were really excited to check out all the neat dinosaur prints, bones, and learn more about the dinosaurs in this area.  We took a tour bus up Dinosaur Ridge and the guide stopped a few different places to let us get out and explore more.  It was really neat!  The girls had a grand time!  Thanks Eric and Renelle for taking us up to Dinosaur Ridge!


    Uncle Eric and the girls looking at the dinosaurs outside the visitor center!


    The gray prints are dinosaur tracks!


    If you look closely there is  big track right next to a smaller set (a Mom dinosaur with a baby) and right behind the two tracks is another one that is chasing them.  Pretty neat seeing the different tracks and how they can determine what they were and a lot of other cool details!


    Up close picture of one of the big tracks.


    They let you climb up part of the rock area to check out the tracks.  The kids loved climbing up and putting their hands in the tracks!


    A lot of different dinosaur tracks on this section.


    Karlie all smiles as she comes up to the observation tower.


    Karlie and Brina at Dinosaur Ridge.


    All smiles!  You can see the dinosaurs tracks in the picture behind them.


    Looking at the tracks and listening to the guide talk about all the different ones.


    Touching dinosaur bones in the rock.


    Large dinosaur bone!


    The guide told us how to locate them since not all were marked with signs.  Karlie found one!


    Brina found one too!


    Another one has been found!


    Karlie having a grand time at Dinosaur Ridge!


    Listening to the guide describe and show all the interesting pieces in this area.


    Karlie touching the dinosaur footprint.  If you look closer the rocky area dips down where the dinosaur footprint is outlined.


    Hanging out at Dinosaur Ridge.  Fun times in Colorado!

  • Gift Giving: “The Graduates Survival Guide” by Rachel Cruze (Dave Ramsey)

    Do you have a family member or friend who is graduating from High School this year?  Are you looking for a unique gift for a reasonable price to give them that can help for many years?  You can order “The Graduates Survival Guide” for $19.95 on Dave Ramsey’s website.

    “The Graduates Survival Guide” includes:

    • Quick Reference Book (132 pages) – Question & Answer Format that includes information and resources about:
    1. Balancing a Checkbook
    2. Credit Cards
    3. Debt
    4. Part-Time Jobs
    5. Collision and Liability Insurance
    6. Student Loans
    7. Giving
    8. Compound Interest
    9. Saving
    10. And Many More Valuable Resources
    • 4 Track DVD – information and discussion on college topics:
    1. College Life
    2. Marketing & Debt
    3. Practical Saving
    4. Navigating Academic – schedules, classes, internships, and goals.
    5. And More!
    • Commemorative Gift Case – that holds all the goodies for your graduate


    “The Graduates Survival Guide” is designed to prepare graduating seniors for college.  Rachel Cruze’s “The Graduates Survival Guide” is for graduating High School Students as they step into the next phase of their life as a freshman in college.  The guide is humorous and informative.  The DVD about college life has helpful tips and stories (regarding schedules, finances, eating out, college life, roommates, and more) from Rachel Cruze, Christy Brown and Jon Acuff.  

    More about Rachel Cruze:

    Rachel Cruze was taught the basic principles of money at an early age.  She is part of Dave Ramsey’s team and has traveled across the country to speak to young adults at high schools, colleges and youth conferences about finances.   Some of the topics she discusses with teenagers is how to budget, save for cars & college, and giving.