• Heart Reflections: You Can Do Nothing

    I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. – John 15:5

    I am in the process of reading several books right now and I came across this verse twice last week (probably a subtle hint or gentle reminder for me, hmmm…).  It is one that I have read many times throughout the years but the part that really struck me this time around was “apart from me you can do nothing”.   So all the time I spend trying to accomplish tasks in my own strength is worth nothing?  I really don’t want to waste my time, do you?

    How often do I try to do everything in my own strength or at least I want to feel like have some sort of control over what’s going on in my life?   More often then I want to admit!  What I really need to focus on is staying connected to the vine and drawing my strength, nourishment, support, and guidance from the one who really is in control of my life.

    Our family has grown many gardens so I am aware of the plant growing process.  When a piece of the branch or plant gets separated from the vine it dries up and ceases to produce any more fruit.  The vine is what brings the nutrients from the roots to the branches without it there would be no fruit. I don’t want to shrivel up, but rather I want to grow, flourish, and thrive producing a lot of fruit.  The main question to myself is – am I taking the steps to have that good fruit in my life by drawing my nutrition from the vine or am I starting to shrivel?

    I am praying that this verse will be a reminder to all of us of how important it is that we get our daily strength from the vine.  No matter what your circumstance is today you can be encouraged that God is in control and he will give you the nourishment you need for today.  Eventually you will be begin to God working through your heart and life to produce an abundance of beautiful fruit.  Take little steps today and start drawing nourishment from the vine.  Spend some time  praying, listening to a sermon, reading the scriptures, or singing praise and worship songs to help replenish your heart and keep you connected to the vine.