• Travel & Vacation: Welcome Home Mom & Dad

    I love having some time with my handsome man but coming home is AWESOME too!

    Jake and I had the opportunity to get away for a few days several months ago.  We took a cruise with extended family and the girls stayed with friends.  Our plane came in the late to Atlanta and we arrived home in the middle of the night so we were not able to see the girls until the next morning.  The girls came walking up the sidewalk carrying this HUGE “Welcome Home Mom & Dad” banner that they had made for us.  We were thrilled to see them and loved the cute banner.  They had a BLAST with our friends and made a lot of great memories.  The girls told me I need to get all Aunt Ashley’s recipes because she made the best food while we were away.

    Our friends (and the girls) brought us Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, so sweet!

    Jake and I were thankful for the chance to get away for a few days and we couldn’t have done it without the help of our friends.  They took great care of the girls (actually I am not sure if they were ready to come home yet, ha).  We are blessed to have amazing people in our lives.  Thanks Mike and Ashley!!!

    Our sweet Welcome Home banner the girls made for us!

    Life has been really busy.  As I was going back over some of the pictures from earlier in the year I found ones that I wanted to share.  The time away from home with your spouse is important, necessary and refreshing, however, coming home to two sweet girls is a huge blessing!