• Family Outings: All Star Greenville Drive Baseball Game

    Karlie and Brina in their Greenville Drive All Stars Shirts

    Karlie and Brina received their Greenville Drive All Star TShirts for completing the reading program through the library.  They were super excited to get the free Tshirts, to walk in the parade, and to get free tickets to a Greenville Drive baseball game!

    Brina and Karlie walking in the "All Star" parade before the Greenville Drive game

    The girls were loving the “parade” around the field before the Greenville Drive game.  They were amazed at all the dents in the scoreboard from all the baseballs hitting it.  I think it surprised them that the balls would hit it so hard.  The shirts were really big (one size fits all) so they had a hard time figuring out how to wear them without them being a dress, in this picture Brina is just holding hers up and Karlie has her tied up.

    Watching the Greenville Drive play baseball!

    The girls loved watching the Greenville Drive baseball games.  They really started getting into the games, really cute.  It was a great activity with the family and we had extended family join us for this game (Luke, Kristen, and Hudson) as well making it even more fun!

    Hanging out at the game with Daddy

      Thanks Daddy for getting us great seats!  The girls got free tickets for finishing the reading program and Daddy was able to get the rest of us seats through work!  We had a blast even though the Greenville Drive didn’t win that night!

  • Summer Activities: The Girls First Greenville Drive’s Baseball Game

    Greenville Drive Stadium - Fluor Field

    We were able to get tickets to a Greenville Drive Baseball through a work contact so we decided to take the girls to their first Greenville Drive’s Baseball Game.  The Greenville Drive is an affiliate of the Boston Red Sox’s Team.   Like with any outdoor event such as baseball you are subject to the weather conditions. The girls were super excited but after the game got delayed followed by wind, rain, hail, and thunder they had to cancel the game for the night. Although it was a fascinating experience watching the workers drag the huge tarp out onto the field the game being cancelled was a disappointment. The girls handled it fairly well and we were managed to squeeze in a few minutes of another special activity. We were able to get another set of Drive tickets for a double header so their first Drive game was postponed temporarily.


    Having fun on the playground at the Greenville Drive Stadium!


    Saying "HI" to Reedy the Greenville Drive mascot before the game!


    You guessed it! The girls first Greenville Drive baseball game and was pouring rain and hail. The giant tarp was not coming off the field that night!


    Brina had a moment of sadness because it rained and the baseball game was cancelled.


    Daddy trying to cheer up Karlie despite her obvious disappointment that the game was rained out!


    Since the game was cancelled we managed to squeeze in ice cream sundaes and a little bit of play time at McDonald's indoor play area! Can you find them? (Hint - look at the ceiling)


    WAY up high!


    They like to be up in the high towers, can you tell!