• Greenville: Exploring the Children’s Museum of the Upstate


     Karlie and Brina climbing the rock wall at the Children’s Museum of the Upstate!

    We had some great opportunities to travel over the girls summer break so we didn’t get to do some of the fun activities in our local area.  Whenever we had a chance we would look over our list of fun local activities and pick one to do together.  The girls recently chose going to the Children’s Museum of the Upstate as one of their activities.  The Upstate Children’s Museum is located in downtown Greenville and has many fun interactive activities for the kids.   We had a great morning exploring and learning at the Children’s Museum.  Thankful for such an awesome museum for kids in our area.


    When you put your hands on the spots the drum mimics your heartbeat.  Pretty cool!  Two people can do it at the same time and hear the differences in their heartbeats.


    They are smiling a lot for being on crutches!  Hopefully we will avoid having family members on crutches.


      Karlie pulling herself up!


    Brina smiling as she pulls herself up.  Testing the different ropes and pulleys.


    Karlie at the bank getting some cash for her groceries.


    That’s a lot of wind!


    Construction crew making bricks!


    Brina bringing over a wheelbarrow of bricks!


    Karlie’s proud of her creation!


    Making a cool structure!


    Relaxing in the camping area!


    The Light Waves Ahead display is always a fun one to use your creativity on too!


    Fun times with the girls at the Children’s Museum!


    Driving the recycling truck!  Watch out!


    Brina in a water bubble!


    Karlie having a blast in the music room!


    Brina loves hanging out at the Children’s Museum!


    Going through the cool jungle gym area at the museum!

  • Summer Activities: The Children’s Museum of the Upstate

    A few weeks ago we purchased a local Playcation Package which included four tickets to The Children’s Museum of the Upstate.  Our family spent several hours one Saturday exploring our local Children’s Museum.  We had a lot of fun learning, playing, building, and spending a relaxing Saturday together. If you have not been to the Greenville Children’s Museum you should check it out.  It has a lot of neat activities for kids of all ages.

    Karlie and Brina taking Daddy for a ride!

    After putting items in the recycling truck the girls and Daddy decided to drive the truck, so much fun!

    Daddy explaining how glasses work.

    This was a neat room filled with light waves and all kinds of fun stuff to learn!

    Brina and Karlie looking through the lenses!

    They had a variety of lenses of various colors and distances that you could look through.  Very fascinating!

    Love their facial expressions, the amazement of how everything works!

    Karlie and Brina working the color spectrum.  They were thrilled at all the colors they were able to create.

    Daddy, Karlie and Brina enjoying the giant "Light Brite"!

    Neat idea!  I think we noticed several different creations during our time in the museum.  This piece captured the attention of kids and adults!  Daddy did an outline of Karlie while Brina made her own creation.  It was a lot of fun!

    Karlie creating her own stain glass master piece!

    I was surprised at how long she worked on making a pretty stain glass window.  She actually got quite a big section finished.

    Brina carrying a large load of bricks!

    Brina working hard making bricks!  The girls loved filling the wheel barrow with bricks and putting them back on the belt.

    My three construction workers.

    This one was harder then it looked.  The girls had Daddy help on this activity.

    Built a house.

    The girls thought this house was so funny because it had one wall!

    The seat cushions quickly become a number rainbow, simply amazing to a six year old!

    They were quite proud of putting this together!

    Daddy helping Brina put together a memory box.

    They had a workshop where you could sign up and build something.  Today was working on a memory box.

    Daddy helping Karlie build a memory box.

    I was originally helping Karlie but since Daddy and Brina finished first Daddy volunteered to help out.

    Karlie and Brina looking down at Mommy from the top of the jungle gym.

    The girls had a lot of fun on the jungle gym in the middle of the Children’s Museum.

    It was a great summer activity going with the family to the Children’s Museum.  Thankful for the opportunity to spend a day together exploring.  Thrilled that Greenville has such a wonderful place for families to go.