• Book: “Fix It Duck” by Jez Alborough

    This is one of the books the girls have requested many times, it is called Fix It Duck by Jez Alborough (aka Mr Fix It Duck book in our household).  The girls always get a real kick out of reading this book.  Duck has a leak in his house and he goes to his friends to borrow something.  When they mention a problem they are having he tries to “fix it” for them.  Somehow when he tries to fix it he ends up making things worse instead of better for his friends.  It is a fun story to read with your kids with great illustrations.

  • Book: “Anne of Green Gables” by L.M. Montgomery

    The girls and I have been trying to spend a few extra minutes every night reading together.  They chose a book to read to me and I have been reading a “chapter book” to them.  We just finished reading the Great Illustrated Classics Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery together. The book is about a little red headed orphan girl named Anne Shirley who comes to live at Green Gables.  Anne is full of life, spirit, and has a vivid imagination.

    The book was fascinating for both of our girls.  Within the first day of starting this book we made it almost halfway.  The girls keep wanting to read just one more chapter.    I like that the Great Illustrated Classics the chapters are pretty short and they include pictures throughout the book.  I often found the girls sitting on the couch flipping through the pages of the book even before it is time for us to sit down and read together.  This is a fun book to read with the kids.


  • Book: Oceans Atlas by John Woodward

    Oceans Atlas by John Woodward is a book that the girls have really enjoyed.  It was a great gift that was given to them a couple years ago.  The girls love learning about animals and the world so this has been a fun one for them.  The book covers information on oceans, seas, marine pioneers, explorations, and conservation.  The book includes a CD which is an extra bonus for the kids to enjoy.

  • Book: “Who Do You Love?” by Margaret Wang

    Several years ago my parents gave the girls  Who Do You Love? by Margaret Wang and they still love it.  I have read the book to them many times and now they can read it on their own.  The book is encouraging for the kids because it goes through the variety of people in their lives that love them.  This is a terrific book especially for younger kids as they are learning about the family members, (including siblings, parents, and grandparents).  When the girls were little after reading the book we would talk about their grandparents and share memories.  It is now great seeing them read it together and share memories with each other.