• Travel & Vacation: Snorkeling, Starfish, and Fun at Grand Cayman Island

    Snorkeling off the coast of Grand Cayman!  The water was a little rough but there were hundreds of little fish!

    First we explored Grand Cayman, followed by a relaxing boat ride out to the reef, next we swam with the stingrays (WooHoo, that was super fun!), and now we get to snorkel, hold huge starfish and more!  The kids had a blast at Grand Cayman!  So many neat memories and experiences.  We were running a little tight on time and the waves were a little rougher than normal so we didn’t snorkel for very long.  A couple people ended up getting sea sick with the boat rocking around so much but everyone recovered and were feeling better before too long.

    Lots of little fish everywhere.  The kids quickly discovered that when you threw food into the water a whole school of fish would come to get a nibble, it was pretty neat to watch all the little fish scramble as fast as they can for the food!

    Snorkeling with the fish

    Brina holding a huge live starfish one of the guides dove down and picked up for the kids to hold.

    Karlie holding a large starfish in the palm of her hand.  These babies were big!

    Nathan’s got a big starfish!

    Nicko was super excited to hold the starfish!

    Brandon finally warmed up to the idea of holding the starfish by himself and he even liked it!


    Hanging out with Uncle Jo on the boat ride back to the ship

    All SMILES after a super fun adventure in Grand Cayman!!!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Swimming with the Stingrays, Grand Cayman Island

    Our family holding a stingray, what a neat experience!  He was a slippery guy!

    After arriving at Grand Cayman Island and exploring a little bit we had a relaxing boat ride out to the reef.   My Mom found a really AWESOME tour where we went on a boat out to a reef and swam with STINGRAYS!!!  We could see the stingrays in the water even before the boat had anchored.

    Pretty much any time you were looking down you could see a stingray swimming by.  The stingrays were HUGE, most were several feet wide.  It was pretty common for them to swim right underneath you and take you feet out from under you or you would feel one brushing up against you as they swam by.  It was a really neat experience!  Brina was a little scared at first because they were so big but she did warm up to them and even touched them several times.  Karlie absolutely loved it and would giggle whenever one came next to her.   This is one of my favorite activities we did on the trip!

    This guy took the feet right out from under me while swimming.  Can you see his little eye?  I think his looking right at me, probably wondering why I didn’t hand him some food!  Our guide was hand feeding them while we were in the water swimming with them.

    This one’s coming right at Karlie (you can see her reaching her hand out to pet it as it glides by)!

    Two stingrays swimming side by side right in front of me.  The girls were absolutely fascinated at how clear the water was in Grand Cayman!  They loved being able to look down and see everything, including fish, stingrays, and even people!

    Brina up close and petting one of the stingrays.  Glad she got to touch it but most of the time she was more content staying a safer distance away from them.

    Stingray!  The stingrays were a dark gray on the top with white and speckled gray on the under sides. Beautiful creatures, so cool watching them glide gracefully through the water!

    Silly Karlie girl!  This picture was taken underneath the water and looking up at Karlie.  She is holding her nose and breathing through the snorkel. She has a grand time swimming around looking at the fish and stingrays.  We even saw a HUGE fish, several feet long but wasn’t able to snap a picture in time!

    Large stingray swimming by

    Little Sis had an absolute BLAST swimming with the stingrays!  Karlie LOVED it and probably could have stayed in even longer if she could!

    Another huge one swam right under me, they literally rub up against you and take your feet out from underneath you!  Such a cool experience!

  • Travel & Vacation: Wish You Were Here at Grand Cayman Island

    Jojo & our tour boat for the day!  The boat was named “Big John” and it had “Wish you were here” written on the back!

    Once on Grand Cayman Island our tour guide Mario took us out on his boat “Big John” to swim with the stingrays!  It was a beautiful trip out to the reef.  The water was pretty and we got to see a lot of neat houses along the Grand Cayman canal.   There was even a dolphin swimming around the docks as we were loading up the boat.  Of course, I didn’t get my camera out in time to get a picture but the kids super excited to see a dolphin swimming right beside us as we were heading out.

    Beautiful and peaceful in the docks at Grand Cayman

    Brina and Karlie ready for the boat ride out to the stingrays

    Beautiful house along the canal going out to the ocean near Grand Cayman

    Cute row of houses along the Grand Cayman Canal

    Watching a sailboat as we head out to the reef

    B & B hanging out together on the boat ride….wide blowing through their hair.

    Passing another boat coming from the reef

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Grand Cayman Island

    Look Out Grand Cayman…..ready or not here we come!!!  All 15 of us riding the ferry boat over to Grand Cayman Island!

    Our first stop on the cruise was Grand Cayman Island!  The kids were so excited to visit Grand Cayman and were really looking forward to exploring and swimming.  Our ship did not dock on the island so we had to take a ferry boat over to the island.  We arrived at Grand Cayman a little early so everyone had some time to shop, relax, and explore before we headed out on our tour.

    Karlie and Brina are ready to go swimming!

    Zach’s ready to go too!  Relaxing on the boat ride over!

    We made it to Grand Cayman Island!  Where should we go first?

    Hey Brina and Karlie, have you seen any pirates on the island yet? 🙂

    Brina and Karlie hanging out on Grand Cayman Island!  Their favorite store was the candy store!  They had giant sized gummy teddy bears, a huge box of nerds, and more (we didn’t buy anything but it was cool to see some of the neat stuff they had in the store).

    Hanging out with my favorite chickies!

    Busy Grand Cayman street.  Did you know that there are over 600 banks on the little Grand Cayman Island?  Guess it is a popular place to have an “off-shore” bank account!

    We found a great spot on a balcony to hang out for a few minutes together before going on the tour.  You can see our ship from Grand Cayman Island, it is the one in the middle.

    Dad and Jojo talking on the balcony.  That huge boat on the left….yup that’s the one we went cruising on for a week!