• My Sweet Family Bringing Surprise “Get Well” Wishes!


    Balloon and poinsettia plant from my husband and daughters!

    It has been a little more challenging these last few months with the herniated disc in my neck.  It gives me a whole new appreciation on many things in my life.  I am very blessed to have a loving husband and caring kids that have pitched in numerous times on items I usually take care of these past couple of months (cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, wrapping Christmas gifts, and so much more)!

    Earlier this week I had my second epidural steroid shot in my neck.  The last shot had two weeks of side effects and I had a tough time bouncing back from it so I was really nervous about getting another one a week before Christmas.  Thankfully with the help of the doctors this second shot has been much better!  I was able to take nausea medicine as soon as the nausea hit me so I didn’t get as sick from the shot.  Also, we figured out after the procedure that I had an allergic reaction to the adhesive from the tape they used during the shot.  Thankfully, we now know what caused the reaction so we can treat it accordingly.  Jake and the girls surprised me with a balloon, plant, tasty treats, and Dunkin Donuts this week after my shot.  So sweet and thoughtful of them!  Love my family!

    Even though I am more tired, stiff, and sore after the shot I can already tell it will not be as long of a recovery this time around (thankfully).  I am praying that this will be the last epidural shot I will need to completely heal my neck.  I am ready to get off the pain medicine and start living life normally again.  I have come along way since October and hopefully I will be back to normal soon.  I am truly grateful for all the family and friends who have prayed and encouraged me throughout this journey, you mean more to me than you will ever know!


     The girls brought home a “Get Well Soon” balloon for me.  Thankful for their thoughtfulness!


    The red poinsettia plant is beautiful and festive this time of year!

    Get Well Soon

    Since I wasn’t as nauseous this time around Jake surprised me with Dunkin Donuts for breakfast the morning after my shot!  Thanks Babe!  You’re the BEST!


    Dunkin Donuts to share with the family!  Can you tell I like chocolate from his selection!?