• Book: “Who Got Peanut Butter on My Daily Planner?” by Cindy Sigler Dagnan

    One of the perks of traveling is that I get to catch up on some of the books I have been wanting to read.  One of the books I read on a recent trip was Who Got Peanut Butter on My Daily Planner by Cindy Sigler Dagnan.  The subtitle is organizing and loving your days as a Mom.  It was a fun and lighthearted book that I enjoyed reading.  The girls loved the cover of the book with the little boy spreading peanut butter on the planner.  While I don’t do as much with my paper planner these days, everything has gone more digital for our family so we can keep up with everyone’s schedule, many of the principles the author talked about still apply.

    She made a lot of great points about the choices we make as parents, especially as Moms.  Even if I could afford to pay someone to do all the tasks I do, I could not pay them enough to love, spend time with, nurture, or share my values with my children  I love this quote from Cindy Dagnam’s book because raising kids is not always easy nor do we did it perfectly but no one else can raise our kids like we do.

    Every day we make choices of what to do with our time, energy and talents.  While not everyday is productive it is important that we continue to invest in the lives and hearts of our children.  While we as parents are raising our kids together it is also healthy for us as Moms to establish friendships with other Moms.  The author gave some examples such as Women’s Bible Study, MOPS group, Girls Weekend Away, Book Club, Moms Play Group, and more.

    Cindy Dagnam discussed many topics that were good reminders for me:

    • Perfectionism is a load you can drop
    • Ask God to help you recognize your kryptonite tendencies….rather than attempt so many things in your own strength
    • God placed you in this home with this family for His purpose
    • Be flexible and build extra time into your plans. Children don’t like to always be hurried.
    • Memories are even more important to your children than a spotless house.
    • Live your priorities and the rest will fall into place

    These were some of the ones that really stood out to me because they are areas I need to work on more in my own life.  At the end of each chapter there is a study and reflection section which includes questions, scripture reading, action plan, journal, and a verse to memorize.   If your a Mom of kids, especially young ones this is a wonderful book to read.  The author does a good job of reminding us that we are not perfect but with a lot of prayer we can still make a positive impact on our husband and children.