• Family Game Night: U-Build Monopoly


    Family Game Night

    Our family loves playing games.  We try to play a game together on a regular basis.  Recently for family game night we played a new game we received, U-Build Monopoly!  The game is played with hexagonal property spaces that snap together.  The length of the game track will determine how short or long the game will be.  This game follows similar Monopoly guidelines with some fun twists.  It is easy enough for kids to play, but still fun for the adults.


    U-Build Monopoly with some houses going up!

    Monopoly Game

    Our family really enjoyed playing this game!

  • Game: Wits & Wagers by North Star Games

    In an earlier post I mentioned the Wits and Wagers by North Star Games that we received as a gift.   On the box it says “The Most Award Winning Party Game in History.”   This game quickly became a family favorite.  We have played this game many times since receiving it and have shared it with several other family and friends as well.  The game is based on facts, however, you don’t need to know all the answers in order to enjoy, participate, or even win the game.

    Our family enjoys having games nights and are excited about finding great games we can play together.  If you are looking for a fun family game you should check this one out or better yet come on over and play a round with us.  The rounds go pretty quickly and you will be surprised at how much you’ll learn.  You may just have a little fun along the way! 🙂

  • Organized Chaos: Organizing Our Games

    Our Family Game Closet

    Our family LOVES games!  Every year for Christmas we get a new family game to play.  It has been fun having a Family Game Night or a Game Party with friends at our house.  One of the problems with our games is we used to store them in two separate places so when guests were over we either had to show them two games storage places or try to list off all the games for them to choose from.  A couple months ago as I was cleaning out the front closet I realized several things……

    • The front coat closet is only used about 3 months a year (we live in South Carolina so we have a shorter winter season)
    • We keep the coats we use the most in other places in the house (this closet was only storing extra coats / jackets,  table linens, and our vacuum.)
    • Usually when our guests arrive the coats / jackets get laid over a chair near the closet instead of actually hanging them up in the coat closet.
    • We get into our two game closets a lot more then we get into the coat closet (with exception to take the vacuum out).
    • If we were to put our games in this closet all our games can be put into one location.
    • We could still store the vacuum (which was the only item currently in the closet that we used regularly) in the closet with our games.

    After pondering the layout for our “new” game closet I decided to see what my husband thought of the idea.  He thought it was a great idea too.  We already had some of the materials we would need leftover from re-doing the bedroom closets so we agreed to do it.

    Here is what I did:

    1. Removed everything from our front closet (donated the coats / jackets that the girls had outgrown and put the table linens in the linen cabinet with the sheets and towels).
    2. Used the leftover shelving items from re-doing the bedroom closets.
    3. Purchase a few additional shelving pieces with a gift card that we have from Home Depot.
    4. Put away all the games from the other two locations into the closet.

    I was very excited to get the shelves up and get all the games into the one closet.  The new system is both practical and perfect for our family.   It is much easier picking out a game to play when we have a family game night or when our guests are over.  Plus, there is no more trying to figure out where we put a game since they are all in one place.   I am pleased with our new game closet, just wish I it hadn’t taken me so long to figure out where to put our games!  Where do you store all your games?