• Fun at the Lake in Connecticut!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT

    Brina hoping to catch something in the lake!

    Our family was able to stop for a few hours in Connecticut this summer.  Jake’s Dad lives in CT and we wanted to catch up since we were driving through on our way back home.  The girls were excited to spend some time with Grandpa Tim and the rest of the crew at the lake.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the lake was gorgeous.  The perfect day to hang out at the lake!  We had a wonderful time visiting, playing at the lake, eating delicious food, shooting off the cannon, and more!  It was great getting a chance to hang out for a few hours!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT - Lake Day

    Karlie was determined to catch a fish with her net.  They were really fast though!


     Splashing around in the lake while Grandpa Tim cools off!


     Jake and Karlie went for a ride in the canoe


     They did a great job out on the lake, but they got a little wet when trying to dock.  I didn’t get a picture of them flipping out of the canoe when they were getting out because I was trying to help, but it did provide some good laughs watching them!


     Grandpa Tim sitting up the cannon!  Oh boy!  Super excited to watch the cannon fire.


      Grandpa Tim wanted to try out these cool shots that he got at a garage sale.  At first we thought they were duds…..however, a few seconds after the initial shot there was a huge explosion and water came spraying up from the lake.   I would say they were really well!  Better make sure the lake is clear before firing another one!


    Grandpa Tim was standing right next the cannon when he reached back to pull it back up the hill by the string a little bit, but instead set the cannon off making another big and loud explosion in front of us on the lake.  He was surprised, but thankfully not hurt (other than the ringing in his ears from being so close to it when it went off).  Once everyone knew Grandpa was okay everyone was laughing hysterically.  The expression on Grandpa Tim’s face was priceless when he unexpectedly set off the cannon.  Thankfully, everyone was okay and it is something we can laugh about now!


     Karlie’s turn to shoot off the cannon!  The girls loved the cannon!  They haven’t set one off before so it was a lot of fun for them!


    My Little Pony goodies, the perfect gift for the long road trip home!  Thankful for a wonderful day with family in CT.

  • Family Activities: Bubble Trouble

    Brina blowing bubbles and Skipper chasing them across the front porch trying to pop them.

    One of the best parts about having a pet is the entertainment they provide the family.  Brina and Karlie LOVE blowing bubbles outside because Skipper has a blast chasing and popping the bubbles.  It is hilarious seeing Skipper twist, turn, and jump trying to pop the bubbles while hearing the girls giggle and blow more bubbles.  Thankful for two kiddos and one furry four legged puppy that bring laughter to the family.  She is a great dog and companion for the girls plus a good squirrel hunter and protector of the home front.

    Skipper popping bubbles from Brina and Karlie.

    Living in South Carolina has its perks too.  Even though our cooler winter months are in December, January, and February there are days when it is warm enough we can go outside and play.  There have already been several days in the 70s this winter.  I am  thankful for those days when we have beautiful weather so we can have fun outdoors.  The girls love playing outside with Skipper and I would rather have them playing outside getting some fresh air.

    Karlie in the midst of a sea of bubbles as she tries out her bubble blower.

    Even though we didn’t get a white Christmas, like last year, the girls are still hoping that we get a few days of snow this winter so they can play outside.  They have fun making snow angels, snowmen, sledding and all those fun activities too.  I am fine with having a mix of both warm and cool days because it makes the Winter months even more entertaining for the family!

  • Raising Twins: Multiples Party at Shipwreck Cove

    As I was going back through some of the pictures the last several months I realized I never posted anything about this great event (better late than never right!?).  I have the privilege of being a part of the Upstate Mother’s of Multiples Club.  It is a great group of Moms and families that have been supportive from the days when I was on bedrest and beyond.  Once a season we get together with the families (Moms, Dads, and all the kids) and enjoy some fun activities.  Here is a little taste of our adventure at Shipwreck Cove in Duncan, South Carolina:

    Karlie ready to go down the slide.

     The girls love pools, water parks, and the beach (really anything with water, including splashing around in the tub).  They had a blast swimming, sliding and tubing at Shipwreck Cove.

    Mommy had a blast too!

    Honestly I am not sure had more fun….the little kids or the big kids!  I enjoyed the many trips down the big slides, catching up with friends, floating along on the lazy river and swimming just as much as the girls did.

    View from the top of the big slides (part of Shipwreck Cove Waterpark).

    When we first arrived at the water park it was pretty quiet other than our groups munchkins running and swimming around.  As the day got later more people arrived, but we still had a blast.

    Karlie going down the big slide all by herself.

    So proud of the girls for going down the big kid slides.  I had a mixture of excitement and sadness to see how much they had grown up over the last few years.  It was a wonderful day of memories for the whole family.

    Brina going down the red slide again.

    Glad to see them having a blast at the water park!  Brina’s favorite slide was the big red one that was open at the top, but she did try both slides.

    Karlie getting sprayed by a water canon while floating on the lazy river.

    Karlie thought it was hilarious when she got sprayed by the canons as she was floating by.  We went around the lazy river several times that day.

    Brina waiting to go down the slide.

    This slide was on the “palm tree island” and a favorite to play on in between going down the big slides and floating along on the lazy river.

    Karlie waiting for another turn on the big slides.

    The slides were a HUGE hit with Karlie girl!  She didn’t mind standing in line to go down the slides again and again and again and again.

    Brina enjoying the water jets.

    The water park was really nice.  It did surprise us to find out the that water was “salt” water not fresh water.

    Having fun in the water.

    Brina enjoying her time at the water park.

    Pausing for a moment to let me take a picture.

     Glad for those quick pauses to take  pictures.

    Thankful for a great time playing with my family!

  • Summer Activities: Greenville Drive Baseball Game (Take 2)


    Greenville Drive Baseball Game - let's play ball!

    After getting rained out for the girls first Greenville Drive Game we decided to give it another shot and go again.  The day looked like it may rain but ended up being beautiful.  Since our first game was rained out we ended up being able to attend a double header.  The girls did great and enjoyed watching the two games and the fireworks afterward.  They had an amazing firework display following the second game.


    Brina having fun at the Greenville Drive Baseball game!
    Karlie having fun at the Greenville Drive game.
    Greenville Drive Team Players warming up before the second game.
    Karlie and Brina watching the Greenville Drive Team Players warm up before the second game.
    Brina and Karlie wanted a picture with the "Cow"
    Fireworks after the Greenville Drive Game!
    Amazing fireworks!



  • Family Celebrations: Happy Mother’s Day

    Relaxing in the Hammock with my girls!

    Jake got me a hammock for Mother’s Day.  The girls and I enjoyed some time relaxing, laughing, talking and reading stories together in the hammock on Sunday.

    Karlie told me “Mom, I think you’ll have a lot of fun relaxing in your hammock, you can read a book or read the Bible and talk to God outside now!”

    Brina caught a couple little ladybugs to take on the hammock with us “They like to relax and swing too Mom!”

    I am blessed with two beautiful thoughtful girls and a sweet husband.  This year the girls planned Mothers Day from Breakfast in Bed to the gifts and activities.  It was a fun, memorable and relaxing day with the family. My cup truly runeth over….there was a time in my life when I wondered if I would ever have kids and a family of my own.  Thankful that God chose to bless me with these two wonderful daughters.  Being a Mom brings so many precious rewards, fun, and laughter.

    • Breakfast in Bed – Brina and Karlie brought me Cinnamon Raisin Toast, Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Pineapple, Cantelope, Honeydew, Mango, & Grapes) and a Strawberry Lemonade Fruit Slushy, delicious!  (sorry no pictures of the breakfast in bed)


    Sweet Mother's Day Cards the girls made at school!

    The girls had fun “surprising” me with their goodies!  Their cards were so cute!

    Mother's Day Picture Frames Brina and Karlie made in Sunday School!

    The girls were so excited to make these special picture frames in Sunday School.

    Brina and Karlie having fun relaxing on the wooden swing Jake made me several years ago! Thanks Handsome!

    After church we came home and spent time relaxing together.  We enjoyed the beautiful day outside in the yard!

    Freshly picked bouquet of dandelions "lions" and clover compliments of Karlie!

    After lunch Karlie went outside to get a special Mother’s Day surprise for me.  She came back in with a handful of freshly picked dandelions and clover.

    Mother's Day gift from the girls!

    It is the gifts from the heart – the hug, kind word, and thoughtfulness that mean the world to me!  At the same time as I celebrate this amazing day with my family my heart and prayers go out to those who have lost their Moms or who are unable to have children.  Every life is a gift and every day is a treasure from above.   I am thankful for the many blessings (both family and friends) in my life.