• Relationships: Lifelong Friends

    A special friend is a rare find….

    • Someone who shares your joy and happiness,
    • Someone who cares enough to show love and kindness,
    • Someone who is a comfort is a comfort to spend time with,
    • Someone who is honest and thoughtful.

    A special friend is a wonderful gift….

    • Someone who offers understanding when life is difficult,
    • Someone whose smile is enough to brighten any day,
    • Someone who accepts you and is glad that you are you,
    • Someone who forgets mistakes and is gentle and trusting.

    You are this special friend to me.

    • Our times together are treasured in my heart.
    • I wish you love, laughter, and all of life’s most beautiful things.
    • I wish you health and cheer, and more of everything that makes you happy.
    • I wish that we will always be friends!

    – Donna Levine

    Thankful for Donna Levine’s words and great reminder of the importance of friendship.  It is nice to find a rare friend that sticks with you in the thick and thin.  Sharing your joy and sorrows.  One of the biggest gifts we can find is that of a friendship.

  • Relationships: Friends Like You

    • A friend is someone who listens without judging you right or wrong, good or bad, and gently helps you define your thoughts to regain perspective.
    • When you’re feeling bad about yourself, a friend is there to remind you of all those positive qualities you may have forgotten.
    • When you share with a friend, decision-making becomes easier and problems seem less critical.
    • A friend gives you the priceless gift of time; time to share, to try out new ideas and rethink old ones.  No matter how often you’re together, you discover dimensions of yourself through the bonds and the mirror of friendship.
    • A friend loves you for who you are, not what you do.  Feeling so accepted, you are able to set higher goals, try harder, and achieve more.
    • Through close friendship, you learn the fine art of giving.  You expand, become more selfless, feel more deeply, and help more effectively.  See the happiness you bring to another person gives you a greater sense of well-being and increases your capacity to love.
    • Wherever you go in life, whatever stage or place you reach, a friend who has entered your soul is always with you, gently guiding, faithfully following, and ever walking beside you.

    – Sandra Sturtz Hauss

    Developing the deeper friendships take time energy and commitment.  The first and ultimate relationship we should focus on is with our heavenly father followed by our relationship to our spouse and then trickles down to our kids, extended family members, friends, and others in our lives.

    Sometimes our friends are close enough to our hearts that they are like family.  We feel comfortable around them.  We share laughter as well as dig deeper into the fears and struggles of life.  They are the people you know pray and encourage you no matter what that day brings.  Make sure you are continuing to be the kind of friend who allows your friends to celebrate and grow!

  • Relationships: What Type of Friend Am I?

    Lily - Red & Orange Flower - Mother's Day Gift

    Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet a person who stands out among all other people as being extremely special who knows what we are thinking about.  Who is happy for us at all times.  Who is always there to talk.  Who cares about us selflessly.  Who is always truthful with us.  Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet someone who is extremely wonderful and for me that person is you my dear friend.  – Susan Polis Schutz

    We’ve all heard the saying that “friends are worth their weight in gold”.  Absolutely!  I agree friends are priceless and a great blessing in our lives.  There are people who have a multitude of friends while others have a handful of really close friends.

    If you had only a few seconds to think of your list of friends.  Who would stand out?  Who would come to your mind first?  We can easily point out who those true blue and deep friends are pretty quickly.

    Are you this type of friend to others?  Who have we taken the time to invest in lately?  Do we stand out?  Are we the person our friends call on when they are excited and want to celebrate or when they hit a rough patch?

  • Relationships: Blessings of Good Friends

    Lily - Red & Orange Flower - Mother's Day Gift

    Friendships are a special part of life, and each and every friendship is different.  Some friendships develop and grow when times and places make it easy for friends to be together and share.  Some friendships mature and change and last a lifetime, even when distance and silences exist.  The wonderful part of a good friendship is that it touches your heart with feelings that make every day more beautiful and worthwhile.  – Ben Daniels

    I am thankful for my friends.  While reading the other day I came across the above insert from Ben Daniels.  It was a great reminder for me and might be for you as well.  Hopefully each of us have developed at least a handful of these types of friendships in our lives because they are priceless.  They journey through life with you no matter the amount of miles between you and the time gaps in seeing each other.  With all the technology (cell phones, internet, social media and other) we have the resources available to at least stay in touch to these friends.  Reach out to these friends in your life this week.  Be an encouragement, share some laughs, and invest the time in these friendships.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Last week was incredibly tough with all the school projects, activities, work, and balancing everything that was going on with the family.  We were all exhausted by the end of the week, but thankful for what we were able to accomplish and for the blessings along the way.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for a job that allows me to adjust my schedule so I can pick the girls up from school earlier since they are no longer having Chorus practice this school year.

    Tuesday – Thankful that the girls were able to attend swimming lessons these past few weeks (today was their last day).  They really enjoyed the classes, made a few new friends, learned a lot of great techniques, and had fun.  I think they would be happy going to swimming lessons year round and were asking when they could take them again!

    Wednesday – Thankful that the girls were able to get a couple of their huge school projects turned in today.  Their Book Reports and Science Fair Projects.  They did a wonderful job on their presentations too.  I was able to go to Karlie’s presentation and Jake was able to make it to Brina’s presentation.  The class was absolutely fascinated by Karlie’s presentation and they loved eating cupcakes for Brina’s.

    Thursday – Thankful for Brina qualifying for the next level in the Science Fair Competition with her “Cupcakes on the Rise” project.  She has been working for months on her project and it was great seeing her get rewarded for all her hard work.  Also, grateful to our chiropractor for getting all of us on his schedule this week.  Jake went earlier in the week, but the girls and I went today.  It is amazing how much better you move when everything is working and in line.

    Friday – Thankful for an opportunity to spend time working together as a family.  Cleaning up the house from all the science fair and school project paraphernalia.  As well as working together on projects around the house, reading together, and taking some time to relax together.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Relationships: Friendships & Crossroads

    Lily - Red & Orange Flower - Mother's Day Gift

    The beautiful flower is the one that Brina gave me on Mother’s Day!

    I have been thinking a lot lately about relationships and friendships.  Part of the reason this has been on my mind a lot is that our girls are going through the process of learning what it means to be a real friend and characteristics of friends.  They are slowly, and sometimes painfully, at least from a Moms standpoint, learning the value and qualities portrayed in a true friend.

    As they wrap up their final year in elementary school and prepare to move up to Middle School they are realizing that many of the people they know now are going different directions.  They are are starting to understand that the friends they have known since Kindergarten are not going to the same schools.  Yes, they will see a few people they know next year, but many of the classmates, teachers, and faculty are going to new.  A new school, new location, and in some ways a fresh start to the next phase in their life.  Kids from their school are going in various different directions some due to location and others family decisions.

    I was thinking about friendships and how our lives continually crisscross paths with individuals who become our friends.  Sometimes for whatever reason or due to circumstances our paths have to go separate ways, but that doesn’t mean your friendship is lost or that you’ll never see them again.  Other times for various reasons it is best to go separate ways.  As I was thinking about the conversations I have been having with my kids and ideas of how to encourage them through this transition I came across this little saying by Donna Yea that describes this part of the friendship journey well:

    Life is like a journey.  We may be walking along a path with friends and then come upon a crossroad where we each must choose the road that is right for each of us individually.  At times we may find ourselves walking a path alone, but somewhere along the road we find new friends to walk with, friends to love, friends to grow with, friends to share with.  The path of life has many crossroads, and at each one it’s difficult to say good-bye and go our own separate ways, choosing the direction that is right for each of us.  But the memory of a friend will always remain, and there is always the chance that our paths will cross again.   – Donna Yee

    Thankful for writers that can put words down in such a way that they can encourage my heart and let me know that this is normal.  Is it easy to go through this stage and process with your kids, no, but it is necessary.  Our support as parents and families is essential as our kids learn to grow and adapt to the changes they encounter while they are under our roof.  How we handle or don’t handle these little crossroads will make a big impact on our kids.  Let’s make this a positive experience for them.  One of the hardest times in my life was transitioning to a new High School, but I met some of the most amazing people and friends during those last couple of years that I may  have never met had I not been required to switch schools.  God is good and will provide those people at the right times and in the right moments.

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Thankful for spending the extra time with my girls.  They were a huge help this week.  Thankful for everything Jake does for our family. I am blessed.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for the girls help organizing the items that need to be donated and sold.  They organized, took pictures, packed up the items, and went with me to deliver everything.

    Tuesday – Thankful that we were able to find some swimsuits for the girls.  It’s a lot of work shopping and trying on clothes but they did a great job! Grateful that Jake was able to spend some time working on the tree house fort after work.

    Wednesday – Thankful that the girls had a great attitude when the movie that we went to see was sold out.

    Thursday – Thankful for the girls help in getting the house picked up, supper put together and more.  They are great help and for the most part we have a grand time doing it together.  Thankful for laughter and a chance to have some one-on-one chitchat time.

    Friday – Thankful for an opportunity eat dinner with some of Jake’s co-workers and enjoy part of the Greenville Drive game against Charleston which eventually got canceled due to rain and lightening.  We still had fun!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    Last week was a different kind of busy with Jake’s family in town.  We had a lot of fun playing, catching up, and spending time together.  The week went by really fast. I am blessed.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for the girls help with finishing up cleaning, running errands, and putting away groceries.  Jake’s sister and family arrived late in the afternoon and we had a relaxing evening with them.

    Tuesday – Thankful that Nadia was able to get into the dentist today and fix her tooth.  The kids had a blast playing with their cousins all morning.  There were some big nerf wars going on throughout the house.

    Wednesday – Thankful that we were able to go with Mirm and the kids to Otter’s Creek Water Park.  The kids had a great time playing in the water, swimming, going down all the slides.  We took a picnic lunch at a table next to the park then went back in to swim longer.  All the kids crashed on the way back home from playing so hard at the water park.

    Thursday – Thankful for a chance to host Mirm’s family as well as Jake’s cousins that live in the area for the evening.  We had walking tacos, great food, fun games, and more that evening.  The kids enjoyed some new water balloons that Mirm picked up for the kids.  It was nice seeing everyone and spending the evening together.

    Friday – Thankful that the girls got off to camp well.  Jake got up early to head to Charleston for work and came back later that day. Jake and I had a fun time with Jake’s extended family at Luke & Kristen’s neighborhood pool for the evening.  Good foo, fun, and fellowship.  It was the last time everyone was able to get together before Mirm’s family left for their next destination.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was the kids first full week of summer break. We packed in a lot of fun activities and projects.  It has been fun spending the extra time with them.  Thankful for the opportunity to spend time hanging out with my girls.  Jake has busy working on building them a tree-house fort in the woods with some leftover wood we had around.  The kids are VERY EXCITED and have been helping haul wood, tools, and other items back and forth.  I am blessed.  There was so much to be thankful for last week.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.  Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday – Thankful for the opportunity to go for a bike ride, play a game, and hike through the woods with the girls today.

    Tuesday – Thankful that we were able to get into the dentist this morning to fix Brina’s braces.  Grateful that the girls and I were able to go to the Free Movie, a park, and run some errands.  The girls were a huge help in sorting and carrying a pile of wood down to the area next to their treehouse fort so Jake can have it the next time he gets a chance to work on it.  Jake was sweet today and picked up an organizer for the girls robotic project this summer so we were able to get it off the table.

    Wednesday – Thankful for kids who enjoy spending time with me.  We spent the day at home, but the activities they choose to do included reading, building items with legos, games, and more fun!  Tonight we had our Kid Date Night.  Jake went with Brina to Frozen Disney on Ice and had a wonderful time.  I went with Karlie to Frankie’s Fun Park and out to dinner, she loved trying out laser tag for the first time.

    Thursday – Thankful for a chance to run errands with the kids today.  It was nice having them with me to talk to and help carry in and put away the groceries.  We even squeezed an activity at the library and got drenched running to the car afterward.  It poured at home too, but after Jake got home we all spent some time working on the treehouse fort.

    Friday – Thankful Jake’s thoughtfulness.  My computer was slowing down so he ordered and installed additional ram for me.  He did this without mentioning anything it to me until he was putting it into my laptop.  Love how thoughtful he is.  He always takes such good care of me.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!