• Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Okra, Green Beans, Summer Squash, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Purple Beans,Tomatoes, Zucchini, Peppers and More!

    We are enjoying the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week we were traveling for part of the week.  We picked some veggies to take with us on a recent road trip to Charleston and came home with an empty basket.  It was nice having the opportunity to share goodies with the people we knew in Charleston.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Garden Produce

    Fresh garden produce this week – green peppers, red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, okra (our first one), cucumbers, banana peppers, purple beans, green beans, and lettuce.

    Garden Produce

    A picked a few tomatoes and strawberries earlier in the week and forgot to take a picture.  These were another quick pick on a busy day – okra, strawberry, purple beans, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers.

    We have had a lot of great tomatoes the last couple of weeks.  If you are looking for a new recipe to try using fresh tomatoes check out the one that my friend Ashley from Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life posted called “Tomato Pie”!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Community Supported Agriculture (Week 9)

    It is our ninth week receiving fresh produce from our CSA!  Our family purchased a half of share and will be receiving fresh produce, local honey, eggs and more for 20 weeks.   Jake picked up the fresh veggies this week, it was nice to get our basket this week after being away for a little bit.

    Week 9 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 bag Red Potatoes
    • 2 Green / Yellow Squash
    • 1/2 bag Red Okra
    • 1/2 bag Green Okra
    • 1 bag Green Beans
    • 2 cucumbers
    • 1 Tomato
    • Dozen Fresh Eggs

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!!!

    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Zucchini, Green Beans, Squash, Lettuce, Cucumber, Strawberries, Purple Beans, and Tomatoes!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I only took one picture from the garden because we were traveling.  The good news is we were able to take some of our goodies from the garden to share with family along the way.  Also, while we are gone my brother and his family get to pick any of the produce that is ready for themselves or to give away so I didn’t get pictures of the items they picked while we were out of town.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Garden Produce!

    We were able to pick this all in one day fresh from the garden.  Fresh Zucchini, Green Beans, Summer Squash, Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes, Roma Tomatoes, Whole Size Tomatoes, Fresh Leafy Green Lettuce, Purple Beans, a handful of Strawberries that made it in the picture and a Banana Pepper (not pictured because it was ate by the kiddos).  Some of these items we delivered to a good friend since we were traveling and we wanted to make sure they were eaten while they were still fresh.

    We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family and friends!  Thankful for a garden that we can share!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Purple Beans, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Green Beans, Cabbage, and Cauliflower!!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I did a little  better at taking pictures of the items our family picked.  Although I must say the strawberries didn’t get in most of the pictures, they were ate immediately after washing.   We were able to give some of the garden produce to friends and family this week so it is nice that the garden is producing extra to share with others.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:


    Produce from the garden!

    We hadn’t been out in several days because of unexpected emergencies with friends and a busy week so we got quite a bit in this batch.  We had a whole bunch full of green beans and purple beans, 2 heads of cabbage, 2 heads of cauliflower, lots of cherry and roma tomatoes, leafy green lettuce, purple leaf lettuce, cucumbers and strawberries!


    Giant Zucchini and Summer Squash from the garden!

    The girls were VERY excited to pick these, as they called them, GIANT Vegetables!  We are hoping to get a couple more later in the week!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Purple Beans, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Green Beans, and Snow Peas!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I did better at taking pictures of the items our family picked.  We were traveling for a few day.  Hopefully my brother who was watching the house was able to get a few items out of the garden to use for their family.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:


    Fresh from the Garden - Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Cherry and Roma Tomatoes, Strawberries, Green Beans, and Purple Beans.

    We got two more big bags of leafy lettuce before we had to pull the stocks because they were flowering.  The zucchini and summer squash are starting to picking.  We’ve been getting a few strawberries and a couple handfuls of cherry tomatoes more regularly now.  We have both green and purple beans producing now in the garden.


    Big Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Purple Beans, Summer Squash, Leafy Green Lettuce, Snow Peas, Strawberry and Green Beans from the Garden

    The snow peas have been amazing and delicious to eat fresh for snacks and in baking, however, they are pretty much done producing.  The lettuce is slowing down too but we hope to get a few more salads in before it completely wraps up for the season.  On a more positive note the tomatoes, beans, and squash are still going pretty strong despite all the storms.

    We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family, friends and people at our church.  During the summer months our church does a “Corner Harvest” where people can share fresh produce from their garden.  It is neat to see what other families are growing and share our produce.

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Cabbage, Tomatoes, Purple Beans, Green Beans, Strawberries, Squash, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Peppers, Lettuce, and Peas!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  I didn’t have a chance to take pictures last week with all the traveling, guests, and fun activities.  This week I did better at taking pictures but the girls ate a few items before the camera came out, they have been enjoying helping more in the garden now that they are on summer break from school.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Cabbage, Tomatoes, Peppers, Strawberries, Summer Squash, Snow Peas, Green Beans, Purple Beans


    Fresh from the Garden Leafy Lettuce, Summer Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Regular Tomatoes, Sweet Basil, Dill, Snow Peas, Beans, and Banana Pepper.


    Fresh Fruit and Veggies - Tomatoes, Zucchini, Pepper, Summer Squash, Purple Beans, our first Cucumbers, Lettuce, Strawberry, and Snow Peas

    A few strawberries, tomatoes, and some other veggies barely made it inside to be rinsed before they ate them so the pictures didn’t happen.  After picking one day the girls informed me “we picked a rainbow of food from our garden today Mom”.  We had a lot of stormy nights the past couple weeks with hail, heavy rain, and high winds.  We even had a tree fall down in the yard and break our fence during one of the storms.  The garden has “shifted” a little bit but thankfully continues to produce some goodies despite the damage.  We haven’t gotten a lot of any one vegetable or fruit but we have a nice variety of goodies to eat every week.  Plus we haven’t had to water for a couple weeks.

    We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family, friends and people at our church.  During the summer months our church does a “Corner Harvest” where people can share fresh produce from their garden.  It is neat to see what other families are growing and share our produce.

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Community Supported Agriculture (Week 4)

    It is our fourth week receiving fresh produce from our CSA!  Our family purchased a half of share and will be receiving fresh produce, local honey, eggs and more for 20 weeks.  I plan to give an update on the items we receive from week to week.  Jake picked up the fresh veggies this week for us while I was delivering a meal to a friend that recently had her first baby.

    Week 4 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh Vegetables from our CSA!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • Bundle of Swiss Chard
    • Bundle of Beets
    • Bundle of Carrots
    • Half a Dozen of Fresh Eggs
    • Onions
    • Potatoes
    • 3 – Zucchini

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!!!  Do you have any amazing recipes to share that use Chards?

    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – A Variety of Fresh Leafy Lettuce, Summer Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Snow Peas, Pepper, Spinach, Zucchini, & More…Oh My!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Our very first picks of Fresh Snow Peas, Cherry Tomato, Summer Squash and Banana Pepper! Even though it is only a handful of items (including our first tomato of the summer, ha) hopefully we'll have some more coming soon and throughout the rest of summer.


    Fresh Garden Vegetables - at least 5 Varieties of Leafy Lettuce, Summer Squash, Zucchini, another Cherry Tomato, Snow Peas, Spinach, Sweet Basil (bagged), and Dill (bagged)!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Fresh Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli, Dill, Zucchini, Basil, & Radishes!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh from the Garden - Leafy Lettuce, Spinach, Radishes, and Broccoli!

    A full dish strainer full of freshly picked goodies from the garden.  A variety of leafy lettuces, spinach, several radishes, and a few small broccoli.


    Zucchini, Radishes, and Broccoli from the Garden

    Our first zucchini from the garden!  The broccoli and radishes are done, we put in more radishes and replaced the broccoli with okra, we’ll see how it does.


    Lettuce, Basil, Spinach and Dill fresh from the garden!

    A whole colander full of a variety of leafy lettuce, fresh spinach, basil and dill!  Thinking a nice salad is in our near future!