• Book: “Crush It!” by Gary Vaynerchuck

    In a recent trip with the family out to the midwest (Nebraska and Kansas) I brought the book Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk.  My husband had picked up the book for me for Christmas.  I enjoyed reading Gary’s book and was able to get through it pretty quickly while we were in flight.

    Gary’s passion overflows into his book.  The book is short, sweet and to the point.  Not only does Gary encourage you to follow your passion he also reminds you that it takes time and a lot of hard work to accomplish your goals. He is honest and straight forward about how to create your own personal brand around your personality and passions.  Everyday whether you realize it or not you market your personal brand.

    The author gives a variety of ways to start building your brand as well as additional resources to check out.  He discusses a variety of Social Media tools. Although he highlights the ways that work well for him he also recommends a variety of other avenues and suggests that you find which ones are most beneficial for you.   Gary encourages each person to follow their dreams and “crush it” in their own way!