• Travel & Vacation: Family Vacation…..Way Up NORTH!!!

    Picture of the last Alaska Airline plane we got on!

    North to ALASKA!!!  We took a family vacation to Alaska this summer!  We had a blast!  We packed a lot in our time in Alaska.  We flew Alaska Airlines.  The girls did amazing on all the flights.  We flew through the night both on the way to Alaska and on the way home too.  They went through the airports fine, helped with the luggage, entertained themselves on the plane (and even rested).  Thankful for kids who love to travel and explore new places.

    Jake and the girls getting on the plane….notice they are entering the back half the plane.  First time on this type of plane!

    Sleeping Beauty on the plane!

    Another one bites the dust….

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Transportation: American & Alaska Airlines

    Our family traveled via the Alaska Airlines for the first time on our recent family trip.  Alaska Airlines had us fly via American Airlines to Portland, Oregon then on Alaska Airlines from Portland to Anchorage, Alaska.  On our way back we flew from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada with Anchorage Alaska to Seattle, Washington and American Airlines from Seattle to Charlotte, North Carolina.

    The only complications we had was checking in with American Airlines in Charlotte at the beginning of our trip.  The person checking us in at Charlotte was busy socializing with her co-workers and complaining about how she still had another hour of work before she could leave and she already had too many people and luggage go through her counter that day she needed a break.  We weighed all our luggage at home and it was weighing under 50 pounds, however, their scales had them weighing at 50.1 pounds, 50.3 pounds, and 49.8 pounds.  She checked the first one which was the lightest suitcase, threw it on the conveyor belt, it missed, fell off so someone else picked it up off the floor and put it on the conveyor belt.  Then she weight the 50.1 and the 50.3 suitcases and refused to allow them past the counter until we took something out.  Both were 50 pounds just a hair over .1 and .3 over.  We had to lighten them by .1 and .3 which basically meant we took out a pair of socks and the other a pair of shorts and added them to carryons.  It was annoying, but we should have made them a little bit lighter before leaving home just in case the scales were off.  She could have had a better attitude and more pleasant as it appeared that she did not enjoy her job and we were just another inconvenience to her at the end of her shift.  We travel fairly often with our kids and family so we encounter a wide variety of personalities.  We have flown American Airlines many times over the year but have not encounter this type of attitude so maybe she was have a tough day, who knows…

    The American Airline pilots, stewardesses, and other crew members were pleasant.  After we got checked in with the person at the counter who had a bad attitude the rest of the trip was smooth and enjoyable.

    We arrived in Portland, Oregon had a little bit of time before our next flight so grabbed a bite to eat and stretch our legs.  Portland was a nice airport with plenty of options to eat and seating while we were waiting for our next flight to take off.

    We arrived in Anchorage, Alaska in the middle of the night.  Anchorage had a beautiful airport.  It was not busy at that time of day.  Even though most of the stores and restaurants were closed it was clean and the people we did encounter while in the airport were pleasant.  We had to ask directions to find out which luggage claim terminal we need to be at and it took the luggage a little while to get out on the conveyor belt.  Since it took more than 20 minutes to be delivered the Alaska Airlines offered everyone that asked vouchers for $25 off their next flight or Alaska Airline Rewards.  I guess they have a policy that if it takes longer than 20 minutes to deliver your luggage they compensate the travelers with Rewards or money off which was really cool.  We have never had an airline do that before and actually we thought they were fairly quick compared to some of the other flights we had been on even earlier this summer.

    Alaska Airlines seemed to have a great group of employees, high quality service, and a loyal group of travelers.  It appeared that they treated their reward members based on the interactions we had with other travelers on our trip.  It was refreshing to see an airline take pride in their work and provide quality service to those choosing to travel with them.

    Our flights home were pleasant, smooth, and enjoyable on the Alaska Airlines again.  We were only in the air for 28 minutes from Vancouver to Seattle, but we rode on a type of plane the kids have never been on before so they were fascinated by the ride.  It was the only flight that I can remember that allowed the passengers to board both the front and back of the plane simultaneously (you went in the front if you were in the front half of the plane and in the back if you were in the back half of the plane) which provided for a quick and easy boarding for everyone!  The plane arrived at the gate in Vancouver a few minutes later than planned but they gave us a heads up in advance and they still had us loaded and we took off basically on time because they made of the delayed time by loading rather quickly which was really nice.

    We would definitely fly Alaska Airlines again if we have another opportunity.  It was a great experience and a wonderful first impression of the beautiful state of Alaska.  Flying the Alaska Airlines was a great experience for our family.  We have flown a variety of airlines both within the United States and internationally.  We would highly recommend you check out Alaska Airlines if you ever have the opportunity to visit their beautiful area!!

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a wonderful week packed with adventures and memories with family and friends.  We were able to spend time with people we hadn’t seen in quite awhile and meet some sweet little ones (new nieces and nephews that we are meeting for the first time).  The girls have had a blast meeting the sweet babies, playing with family and friends, spending time with cute animals, and making memories with a lot of people in our lives.  Thankful for an opportunity to travel and catch up with family from a variety of different areas.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for an opportunity to spend a day with my cousin Renelle and her family.  We even were able to go to Estates Park, a hike, and visit to Bear Lake.  It was great spending time with family and in the Rocky Mountains!

    Tuesday – Thankful for a chance to explore the Denver Museum of Science and Nature.  The girls especially loved the Robotic Revolution exhibit!  We spent a few hours there prior to going to the airport.

    Wednesday – Thankful for safety as we flew back on South Carolina.  Our flight was delayed, but we made it home with about 2 hours to spare before heading into work.  Grateful for our friends who took really great care of our house and pets while we were away!

    Thursday – Thankful for the girls help in getting the suitcases unpacked from our trip and for a full nights sleep back in our own beds!

    Friday – Thankful that the kids had a chance to hang out with their friends from church at a pool party.

    Saturday – Thankful for an opportunity to spend time with Jake’s cousin and his family, Luke and Kristen!  Always great catching up and the kids played well together!

    Sunday – Thankful for a chance to celebrate Father’s Day with Jake.  We spent actual Father’s Day with extended family and waited until we were back home to celebrate with Jake.  It was fun hanging out together and having fun.  Thankful for Jake and everything he does for our family!

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day

  • Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a wonderful week packed with adventures and memories with family and friends.  We were able to spend time with people we hadn’t seen in quite awhile and meet some sweet little ones (new nieces and nephews that we are meeting for the first time).  The girls have had a blast meeting the sweet babies, playing with family and friends, spending time with cute animals, and making memories with a lot of people in our lives.  Thankful for an opportunity to travel and catch up with family from a variety of different areas.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for the an opportunity to spend time with Jake’s cousin and family.  See a little bit of Boston with its great history.  As well as a chance to catch up with our great friends Mike and Ashley with their little ones in Maine.

    Tuesday – Thankful for friends that are like family that we can spend time with and have a blast whenever we get together.  It was wonderful catching up with Mike & Ashley.  The girls were thrilled to meet Savannah, sweet girl with lots of personality, and Bradley. Grateful for the ability to fly as we head out to see my family in the Midwest, even though going through airports can be an adventure it does save time if were are wanting to see people that are spread out over many miles and more on a specifically on a limited time frame.

    Wednesday – Thankful for a chance to spend some time on the farm in Kansas with my parents and family.  The girls always love time spending with the family and animals.

    Thursday – Thankful for time in the Midwest with extended family.  Grateful that we can see a number of people in this area.

    Friday – Thankful for another day with extended family.  The girls have grandparents, great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and more people to enjoy time with during our stay.

    Saturday – Thankful for a safe trip to Colorado to see my cousin Renelle and her family.

    Sunday – Thankful for some time to hang out with extended family in the Denver, Fort Collins, Johnston areas.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day!

  • Travel & Vacation: Traveling to Kansas, Jesse James Bank Museum, and Milford Lake

    Travel to Kansas - Jesse James Bank, Lake Trip, Milford, Family

    On board and ready for take off!

    One of the reasons our family travels is because our extended family is so spread out.  This summer we headed out to Kansas to spend time with my family.  We got on the plane early Thursday morning in Greenville, SC and by mid-morning we were in Kansas City ready to go.


    We had a layover in Chicago!  The kids found it very entertaining to go on the walking sidewalks in the airport.  We didn’t get a chance to visit the actually city of Chicago, but it was good to get out and stretch our legs in the airport for a little bit between flights.  The advantage to the really early flights is the airport is not as crowded!


    Karlie found a great way to pass the time during our layover….reading!  She was so excited to found out that I had added a bunch of free kids books onto my Kindle!  She is frequently found around the house with her nose in a good book too so this did not come as a surprise.


    Brina found a good amazing animal website to check out too.


    After landing in Kansas City and getting our rental car we were off to explore the area.  Our first stop was Wendy’s for an early lunch (we had been up since 4 am).  The second stop was the Jesse James Bank Museum in Liberty, Missouri.  Not far from the Kansas City MCI airport.


    Karlie was surprised at the weight of the bank bag!  Wow!


    Learning about the Jesse James bank robbery.  Banks are very different now!


    Walking around the historical district of downtown Liberty!


    Brina walking along the edge of the water fountain!

    Travel to Kansas, Lake Milford, Family

    Riding with their cousin Nicko on the tube!


    Their faces crack me up!


    Having a blast tubing on Lake Milford with family!


    So much fun!


    Go faster Grandpa!


    They even let me go on the tube with them!  Fun times with family in Kansas!

  • Travel & Vacation: Heading Up North

    Brina hanging out at the airport

    Our family had the opportunity to fly up to Vermont recently to visit Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  The girls were very excited to spend some time with family and to have some fun time in the snow.  They did great at the airport despite the delays.  Thankful for kids who travel really well (and who can sleep pretty much anywhere, even in a busy airport).

    Karlie and Brina watching the planes coming and going.  Our first flight was on time, we actually arrived at Washington Dulles early.

    Delays at the airport so the kids are starting to crash, at least they are getting some rest

    Karlie snoozing in the airport

    Brina crashed in the airport

    Waiting in the Burlington airport for Daddy to get the rental car

    Driving in a snow storm

    Road trip…

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: We Are On Our Way!

    Brina and Karlie on the plane!  Whose ready to fly to Florida!?

    We recently flew to Fort Lauderdale, Florida to go on a cruise with extended family.  The girls love to fly and were super excited to experience their first cruise.  Thankfully we had a direct flight from Charlotte to Florida and everything went smoothly.  We spent the first evening in Fort Lauderdale with our family before getting on the ship the next day.

    All buckled in and ready for take off…we got an extra passenger in our row (isn’t he cute!) 🙂

    Karlie entertaining herself on the plane.  Who knew that an ice cube on the straw could be so entertaining!? Ha!

    Four cute kids sitting nicely on the bench as we call the hotel cab for a pickup

    Everyone made it to Florida.  Time for dinner…..how about TGI Friday’s!

    Wrapping up the evening playing “Go Ape” with the cousins!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Tips on Flying with Kids

    AirTran inflight picture taken earlier this year!

    I have the opportunity to travel with our girls over Spring Break.  Thankfully they are wonderful in the car and LOVE to fly in the airplane.  A couple months ago we told the girls that we would be visiting family over Spring Break and they have been looking forward to this week every since that day.  After we first told them about our little trip almost every day they would ask me how many days until Spring.  It wasn’t until a couple weeks later that I realized that they thought that as soon as Spring arrived they would get a break (aka “Spring Break”) and we could go on our road / flying trip.  I had to explain to them that their School Spring Break did not always start on the first day of Spring.  They have been counting down the days and have been encouraging me to pack our suitcases.   Last week we were coming home from Church and Karlie told me to drive faster, when I asked why she said “we need to get home so we can start packing for our trip.”  Even though we were not leaving for several days I let the girls get started.  I had them find their travel backpacks and to start laying out a few items that they want to pack in their backpacks.  After only a few minutes they had a whole pile of items and they felt better about getting started.

    Traveling with kids can be a wonderful and fun adventure.  Adding special activities while traveling can make the trip even more exciting and memorable for the kids.  When the kids are happy it makes the whole trip go more smoothly.  Here are a few items we have used on our trips with the kids:

    • Special Backpack – whenever we travel, fly or spend the night somewhere the girls pack their travel backpack full of goodies just for them.  They have had the same backpacks for the last 3 to 4 years.  It has been a great investment and each girl is thrilled to pack items they enjoy in their own backpack.  Plus they proudly carry their treasures through the airport themselves.
    • Books – our girls love books so they pick out a couple small books to take in their backpacks.  We read the books as we are waiting to board the plane, quietly on the plane or whenever we have some downtime.
    • Educational Items – in the backpack we pack a pencil and crayons along with a small notebook, coloring book, and workbooks for them to do on the trip.  They enjoy doing “school” work for fun and it makes me feel good about them practicing their writing, numbers or other practical skills.
    • Snacks – before a big trip we will take the kids to the grocery store and have them pick out one special treat to take with them as a snack on the plane.  For this trip Brina picked out Blueberry Muffins and Karlie picked out 100 Calorie Snack Cookies, makes me laugh and proud to see what they chose this time around!
    • Creative Games – on the trip we come up with games to play with the girls
    1. What shapes / animals / objects do you see in the clouds?
    2. Name everything you see that is ___________ (red, a circle, silly, etc…)
    3. Find every word that contains a ____________ in it (a letter or set of letters like any word that contains a “b” in it or “th”)
    4. Count the number of steps it takes to get to the _______________? (to the terminal, bathroom, seat, baggage claim, etc…)
    5. What is your favorite __________? (memory, food, color, place to visit, etc…..)
    6. Card Games – “Go Fish”, “Old Maid”, “Uno”, and more!
    • Surprise Gifts – inside the girls backpacks we wrap small gifts for them to open up at random times throughout the trip.  Most of the time they are so involved and excited about the adventure that they don’t even open the gifts or only get to 1 or 2.  Although, they are quick to remind us once we have arrived at our destination and have fun opening them while we are visiting or vacationing.
    • Postcards – are fairly inexpensive souvenirs and the girls enjoy picking out and receiving postcards.  They will put them in their special drawer and keep it for many months.  They will pull them out and go through them to remember the special trips together.
    • Mind Your Manners – discuss appropriate manners, rules and guidelines for traveling (especially in a busy airport).  This is important to do at the beginning of the trip.  You can even make a game out of it.
    • Bright Matching Outfits – dress the kids in bright matching outfits so it is easy to see them in the airport.  Even if they are right next to you they are easier to see.
    • Gum – when the plane is ascending or descending it is smart to have your kids chew on some gum to help relieve any of the pressure especially if they have a cold or stuffy nose.  If you have an infant it would be a good time to give them their pacifier.  For a toddler a lollipop or a crunchy snack works well.
    • Rest – Allow the kids to sleep on the plane if they want to rest.  The girls have taken several naps on airplanes.  It gives them an extra boost of energy and helps them relax.  One time all three of us took a snooze on the flight, we were exhausted!

    Keeping the kids entertained is a great way to make the trip enjoyable.  For the parents I have a few more ideas of what to do during the  flight to help it go by quickly and smoothly.  The girls are excited, however, we are traveling after a full day of school and we’ll us arriving at our destination the early part of the next day.  I am looking forward to creating more positive traveling moments with the girls and praying that the trip is smooth for everyone driving, flying, and traveling with us.  Do you have any tips for flying with kids?