• Travel & Vacation: Boating and Fishing on Milford Lake


    Uncle Trace & Aunt Michelle fishing!  Look at the flying fish in the upper right of the picture!

    We had a blast with family at Milford Lake this summer.  During the day there were a lot of different activities going on at the same time so everyone could have fun doing something they enjoyed from swimming, fishing, tubing, water skiing, knee boarding, and more fun.  Uncle Trace was our expert fisherman that weekend!


    Brina hanging out on my brother and sister-in-law’s boat!


    Karlie on the boat at least briefly, she didn’t stay on the boat very long!


    Jake taking pictures as Brina crashes on his lap.  Lots of sun, wind, and lake fun make very tired kids!


    Brina all tuckered out and taking a power nap on the boat!  Good idea!


    Hanging out with Zachie!


    Uncle Josh teasing Nicko!


    Look there’s Grandma Penny and Zachie on the fishing boat!


    Beautiful day for fishing!

  • Fun at the Lake in Connecticut!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT

    Brina hoping to catch something in the lake!

    Our family was able to stop for a few hours in Connecticut this summer.  Jake’s Dad lives in CT and we wanted to catch up since we were driving through on our way back home.  The girls were excited to spend some time with Grandpa Tim and the rest of the crew at the lake.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the lake was gorgeous.  The perfect day to hang out at the lake!  We had a wonderful time visiting, playing at the lake, eating delicious food, shooting off the cannon, and more!  It was great getting a chance to hang out for a few hours!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT - Lake Day

    Karlie was determined to catch a fish with her net.  They were really fast though!


     Splashing around in the lake while Grandpa Tim cools off!


     Jake and Karlie went for a ride in the canoe


     They did a great job out on the lake, but they got a little wet when trying to dock.  I didn’t get a picture of them flipping out of the canoe when they were getting out because I was trying to help, but it did provide some good laughs watching them!


     Grandpa Tim sitting up the cannon!  Oh boy!  Super excited to watch the cannon fire.


      Grandpa Tim wanted to try out these cool shots that he got at a garage sale.  At first we thought they were duds…..however, a few seconds after the initial shot there was a huge explosion and water came spraying up from the lake.   I would say they were really well!  Better make sure the lake is clear before firing another one!


    Grandpa Tim was standing right next the cannon when he reached back to pull it back up the hill by the string a little bit, but instead set the cannon off making another big and loud explosion in front of us on the lake.  He was surprised, but thankfully not hurt (other than the ringing in his ears from being so close to it when it went off).  Once everyone knew Grandpa was okay everyone was laughing hysterically.  The expression on Grandpa Tim’s face was priceless when he unexpectedly set off the cannon.  Thankfully, everyone was okay and it is something we can laugh about now!


     Karlie’s turn to shoot off the cannon!  The girls loved the cannon!  They haven’t set one off before so it was a lot of fun for them!


    My Little Pony goodies, the perfect gift for the long road trip home!  Thankful for a wonderful day with family in CT.

  • Academy Sports & Outdoors: Clearance Sale – 88¢ (Over 700 Items)

    Academy Sports & Outdoors is having an online clearance sale!

    Over 700 items are priced at $0.88 each plus clearance on over 2000 other items.  If you are looking to get a birthday gift or stock up on outdoor clothes or items this is a great time to do it.  Click on their “Clearance” tab and sort by price “low to high” to see all the clearance items.  The shipping rates are a little high but if you are ordering a handful of items at $0.88 each it will offset the delivery charges.
    Limited supplies so stock up while you can!